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10 Lucky Winner on Giveaway FileMinimizer suite 6 License Key


I have selected 10 winners for “Giveaway FileMinimizer suite 6 License Key” using and after generate the number, give this result “9, 1, 18, 17, 3, 51, 10, 8, 13, 16”. In accordance with these numbers it is entitled to get the full version FileMinimizer suite 6 can be seen at the table below.

I have sent the winner list to Sophia Taoutaou (balesio software) and all winners will receive the license key of FileMinimizer suite directly from Baliseo software. Congrats for all the Winners.

Here the list of 10 lucky winners on giveaway “Free FILEminimizer Suite Full Version [10 licenses Giveaway]”:

Comment Number Email First Name Last Name
9 chandigarhfellow@*** Dinesh Kumar
1 kurtumi@*** idris kurtum
18 zyx777@*** Alvin Bruce
17 basvginkel@*** Bas van Ginkel
3 estrangeredgenius@*** Estrangered Genius
51 strime@*** Vivek Anand
10 matroskaasus@*** matroska asus
8 anup_k46@*** anup kumar
13 skyfire@*** Kavin Seth
16 delvitgraffely@*** Delvit Graf

Don’t lose next giveaway full version software on this blog by entering you email on email subscription to get latest info on this blog.

Posted by Fz 15 Responses

15 Responses to “10 Lucky Winner on Giveaway FileMinimizer suite 6 License Key”

  1. Delvit Graf says:

    Yes! I’am the winner… :mrgreen: Thanks a lot for TC and Balesio Software~

  2. Estrangered Genius says:

    Hello ,

    Thanks for the giveaway contest .
    Congratulations to all guys out here

  3. idris kurtum says:

    Thanks 🙂

  4. matroska says:

    I’m very pleased, given the chance to try this great software

  5. Alvin Bruce says:

    Thank you very much.

  6. anup kumar says:

    thank you so much… luck was with me……but i havn’t got the license key yet!!!…..has everyone(winners) got the key?……please help me!!!!

  7. Fz says:

    Hi anup kumar, Im sorry
    I have send email again to sopia (baliseo software) why she not send the license

  8. Alvin Bruce says:

    No any e-mail from Baliseo
    I’m waiting it…

  9. anup kumar says:

    its ok….i’ll wait….may be i’ll receive it later or may be not!!!

  10. Estrangered Genius says:

    Hello ,

    I had received the key few hours ago .

  11. anup kumar says:

    hey….i got the license key today…..thank you very much!!!!,,,this blog is really turning out a great help for me….i hope this help will continue further too!!!!

  12. idris kurtum says:

    I had received the key


  13. Alvin Bruce says:

    I got it, sent from Balesio sales.
    Thank you very much again.

  14. Delvit says:

    I’ve get the genuine serial number and it’s works~! Nice features and performs, thanks a lots~! :mrgreen:

  15. matroska says:

    I had received the key

    Thank you


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