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Alternative Software Resetter Epson S20, T10, T11, T20, T26, T30, TX600FW


Need software resetter for Epson S20, Epson T10, Epson T11, Epson T20, Epson T26, Epson T30 and Epson TX600FW, you must try this this software. But unfortunately this software resetter is not free. This software can be used to resed waste ink counter at Epson S20, Epson T10, Epson T11, Epson T20, Epson T26, Epson T30 and Epson TX600FW.

There is two version of this software resetter, value version and full version . Value version only works for one printer but can be installed in any PC you want. The full version can be installed on one computer only but the full version support all Epson printer (support for Epson S20, Epson T10, Epson T11, Epson T20, Epson T26, Epson T30 and Epson TX600FW).

Although this software is not full version software resetter. You can try for 3 times left to this software to reset the counter and only reset at 99% condition. This program was testing and work on Windows XP and W2k. I dont know it also work on windows 7 or not.

You can download the software resetter for Epson S20, Epson T10, Epson T11, Epson T20, Epson T26, Epson T30 and Epson TX600FW Here.

I’m not tested this software resetter. You must use this info as your own risk.

Posted by Fz 25 Responses

25 Responses to “Alternative Software Resetter Epson S20, T10, T11, T20, T26, T30, TX600FW”

  1. Thanks to the admin has publish my program.
    Now the program version is 1.2.0. This program were publish on 2 August 2009. it still beta so, it maybe have bug left. So far the bugs has fixes. It some cases reported with this software are, the printer still blinking. It is happen caused the demo program set the counter in 99% position. it mean that the printer only have one chance to cleaning the head and the printer will blinking again. For some printer, when the counter had reset, the printer have to turn off and on again. When the printer turn on, some of printer activated cleaning head it self when turn on. This is probably the cause the printer still blinking after reset by demo version. If your printer get this cases, I will send the special demo version. you can try with no cost at all.

  2. vic says:

    how can i buy epson stylus t10 resetter?

  3. vic says:

    thank you for that info, how can i buy it to you?

  4. Fz says:

    Hi vic, to buy the software email the owner on

  5. ryan says:

    how can i buy this software?

  6. jame says:

    i can buy this software? CONTACT Please email

  7. griter says:

    absolutely works !!!

  8. sam says:

    it works but 30 days trial on the windriver software. it doesnt work if the trial expires. the only solution is to register the windriver software created by reseter_epson

  9. sam says:

    thank you for the effort resete_epson. i have fixed the error

  10. aungmyochun says:

    Please ,give me epson T11 resetter software if you have.
    Please, share to me to my email.
    Thanks,very much

  11. Ricky2009 says:

    please anyone can send me epson t10 reset counter software. please email me at:

    or heres my number:+639128311887

    please send me full version or serials..

    i need my epson t10 printer for my job, so please…

  12. than says:

    pls. give me some tips to get free downloads software of resetter epson t30…
    pls. email me back.. thanks!!!

  13. bozz says:

    dont use that program.. if your printer not blink yet.. the trial ver can only reset 1%. if your print still below 90% this program will make your printer blinking in 1 cleaning..!!!!
    so becarefull….

  14. mahril says:

    bagi yang punya reset counter T11….
    d sni siap mmbelinya …..

  15. neds says:

    hehehe………. punya gua mah jalan

  16. printmarcas says:

    i need reseter epson tx105 please

    i from Brasil


  17. Dammika says:

    Dont pay for this software. U can download the full version with the crack file for free. Go to…/S20_t10_t11_t20e_t26_t30_TX600Fw_by_OrTHoTaMiNe.rar

  18. kino says:

    @ dammikka, the link is already not working. upload it again please

  19. raj says:

    hello only black ink level empty t11 eprom reset

  20. Jessica says:

    I have a epson t10 printer i do reset the printer by connecting the 1,2,3,4 terminal of the 8 leg ic in the motherboard of the printer, after that the blinking light was gone i thought my printer was fixed but is not. After grounding the terminal my printer turns to S20 I do got a big problem the printer doesn’t recognize the ink cartridge at all.. How can i return my T10 printer to its original settings??? somebody!! pls!!

  21. david says:

    @ dammikka, the link is already not working. upload it again please

  22. fatoni says:

    how to get pass key to istall the program

  23. Nitin Shringare says:

    I have a epson t11 printer i do reset the printer by connecting the 1,– 4 terminal of the 8 leg ic in the motherboard of the printer, after that the blinking light was gone i thought my printer was fixed but is not. After grounding the terminal my printer turns to S20 I do got a big problem the printer doesn’t recognize the ink cartridge at all.. How can i return my T10 printer to its original settings??? somebody!! pls!!

  24. alex says:

    Thanks for your epson t10 reseter. It really works…


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