Change the Size of Desktop Icons on the windows XP
Your Desktop icons too small or too big. if you do not like of the icon size in your desktop, you can change according to desire of you. you can alter the icon size by altered registry setting.
Here how to cha the size of desktop icon.
- Open registry editor
- Navigate to registry key : HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Control Panel | Desktop | WindowMetrics.
- Double click the string value named ‘Shell Icon Size” and set the value ( size in pixle, default value 32). If you not see this string create one. Ad for given value, hence appearance of icon will ever greater.
Note : I have been tested this tutorial in Windows Xp SP2 and work perfecly.
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One Response to “Change the Size of Desktop Icons on the windows XP”
I want to win the reveal giveaway!!!!!Like really really bad bro D: GAHHHHHHH.