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Configure Startup on Windows XP Using Software


Usually we disable or enable startup program on Windows XP by using msconfig. MsConfig comes as built in tool in every version of windows. in fact msconfig tool is easy to use but sometime lots of people like use other tool to edit startup program in Windows XP. software can be used to edit startup program like Startup Control Panel, tuneup utilities, win patrol, etc.

Some software can be used to edit startup program among others,

Startup Control Panel (StartupCPL) Software

This tool is really simple to use, and is a very useful, handy tool for computer administrators. The interface is also very easy to use. All you have to do is check/uncheck programs that you want to run when your computer starts. This tool can be used on any Windows version.

Download Startup Control Panel

Tuneup Utilities

TuneUp Utilities 2007 has been designed to be as user friendly. To edit startup program you can open Using TuneUp StartUp Manager menu by clicking customize & analyze and then click TuneUp StartUp Manager menu. You can disable or enable the program by check/uncheck programs that you want to run when computer starts.

See info about Tune-Up utilities

Other tool can be used

Win Patrol can be download at

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