Fix Folder Options Missing in Windows Explorer
Your folder options missing on Tool menu in Windows Explorer? Maybe it cause by virus because many computer virus can do it, or this matter is caused by installing any software, don’t panic! You can restore it back without reinstalling your Windows system. There are two solutions to solve the problems you can choose one of them. Fit solution you can edit registry setting, 2nd solution you can change setting in group policy. Folder Option be used to setting folder view on Windows explorer.
folder options missing before resolved:
Folder options missing after the problem resolved:
Following a few simple steps to get this problem resolved:
1st Solution to Fix Folder Options Missing: Edit registry setting
- Open registry editor by click Start menu – Run, type regedit and then press enter.
- Navigate to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer”
- At right panel, look for a value called “NoFolderOptions”, delete the value.
- Go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer”
- Repeat step 3 to delete NoFolderOptions entry.
2nd Solution to Fix Folder Options Missing: Change setting in Group Policy
- Open group policy setting by click Start Menu – Run then type gpedit.msc and then press enter.
- Navigate to “User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Explorer”.
- At the right panel, look for “Removes the Folder Options menu item from the Tools menu”, right click on it then choose Properties, and then disable it.
Note: has been tested and 100% work in Windows XP.
Updated: If you not interest with the manual method you can use some of the following software to resolve folder option missing:
- XP quick fix plus (work for windows XP only)
- Smadav Anti virus (On this antivirus there tool to fix folder options missing and work on almost Windows version)
Note: the method above tested on Windows XP maybe work also on Windows Vista
4 Responses to “Fix Folder Options Missing in Windows Explorer”
Thz Man! it is awsome! i m really satisfy with this result! Note it can also work in Window 7 thz bro
still the folder option is missing after doing the solution.. what should i do..?! pls help me. tnx..
@france cruz, There may be a virus/trojan or etc on your computer or your computer locked by any program. my advice, scan your computer with antivirus/security software and check program installed on your computer
thanks for your guide