Free Website Hosting with Very Big Bandwith and Web Space
After created a web/blog and you want to publicize your website in internet, hence you need a web hosting to save and publicize your website in internet. Tips to choose a website hosting before you buy a hosting, first vie the bandwith limit, the greater the bandwidth is the better to anticipate the number of visitors so that your hosting do not limit, because if your hosting is limit your website cannot be accessed. Assumption, web with mean visited 1000 visitor in a day require minimum bandwith hosting 7G in a month.
Following some free web Hosting with huge bandwith :
1. FreeWeb7
Freeweb7 is website hosting with biggest bandwith and web space which I know. the Facility can be get if create free account here are, Non stopping observation 24×7, 7 GB disk space, 100 GB data transfer, FTP account, Mysql, PHP and without advertisement.
2. 000WebHost
which I love from 000WebHost that is unlimited full domain and there fantastico installer. While other feature of the hosting tha is 250MB disk space, 100GB bandwith and cPanel. Other excess, your web page free from advertisement, don’t like other free web hosting. But unhappily up time this hosting only 90%.
Facility this free hosting web is very complete, although smaller provided bandwith, but excess of the hosting offer warranty of Up Time until 98%. Provided facility by this web hosting that is, PHP, MySQL, including cPanel 11, fantastico installer, FTP, POP3, free parked domain, 150M web space and 15 GB bandwith.
4. HostZeroCost
All account here get 10 GB web space, 10 GB bandwith, 3 MySQL database, Script PHP and free subdomain.
5. Free Hyper Space
if you create account here, you will get 1000 MB file storage, bandwith equal to 10 GB, free FTP account, control panel which is easy to be used, aid support and observation 24×7.
6. HostWQ
This Provider offer free web hosting with dedicated server and web support and other service, like 10 GB data transfer, 300 MB web space and access FTP.
3 Responses to “Free Website Hosting with Very Big Bandwith and Web Space”
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@Sell Rent Back, Yes you can replicate this post in your site, but you must add/place link to this article or this blog or both
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