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Great Video Games at Great Savings


When the video game Pong was released on November 29, 1972, nobody could imagine the impact it would have on future generations of video game enthusiasts. As simple as it was, Pong was essentially “proof of concept”. People wanted video games and they were willing to pay for them.

People are still willing to pay for video games. In fact, a 2013 report by The Gartner Group predicted that the Video Game Industry would reach 56.43 billion pounds 2015. If you are a gamer that is contributing your hard earned cash to the video gaming industry, consider the following ways of saving money on your video gaming hobby.

Joyful couple playing video games together on the sofa

Track Video Game Release Dates

When a video game is released to the public, there are usually special deals to be had by gamers. Often you will need to pre-order the games to get the special deals. Some so-called “experts” will tell you to never preorder video games because you are basically loaning your money to the video game companies for free. Clearly, these self-proclaimed experts have never tracked video game releases systematically in a way that maximizes savings. In fact, with special preorder deals you can save hundreds of dollars on new video game releases and sometimes get several video games for the price of one. By making use of a payday loan you could access the necessary funds to reserve games ahead of time, even when savings are low.

Here are a few ways you can track video game release dates:

Pre-Order Promotions at Amazon

Amazon sometimes offers special promotional deals when you pre-order video games through their marketplace. They also guarantee that if the price on the video game between the time you pre-order game and the time the game is released, Amazon will charge you the lowest price offered by Amazon during that period. You can find more about Amazon’s pre-order promotions here. If you want to make sure you get the lowest price that was available on Amazon, use an Amazon price tracking service such as camelcamelcamel or to track price changes on videos games that you pre-order through Amazon.

Follow Video Game Release Dates at has an extensive video release date calendar. You can find the latest deals, earned reward points that redeemable both online and offline. You can increase your savings even more buy purchasing games with a cash back credit card.

Share Video Game Costs with Friends

If you are like many video games, you and your friends often buy the latest and greatest video games as soon as you can get your hands on them. Then you spend time going back and forth to one another’s homes playing those games. Wouldn’t it make more sense to split the cost of the games and simply share them? The only downside to this plan is if there are more people who would like to save individual gameplay files than the game allows players to save. Keep in mind, though, that you can often overcome this limitation by temporarily saving gameplay files to an SD card.

You could also organize a group of gamers and create a video game schedule that designates which person is allowed to borrow which games at which times. Not very many avid gamers will want to wait to play the latest release. However, this idea can work well if there are multiple games being release during the same time period.


Although you can often get great deals on video games by tracking release dates, you can usually get even better deals if you are willing to wait until the initial buying frenzy has died down. Also, consider buying used versions of a recently released game. Many gamers simply want to beat all levels of a game, trade it back in for store credit, and then move on to the next game. In other words, most used video games are almost as good as new.

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