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How to Create Windows XP Logon Screen


If you are bored with your windows XP logon screen (also called welcome screen) you can create  and change the logon screen in your windows using LogonStudio software.  With the logon studio software you can create logon screen design in your windows XP by your self and change the logon design in your windows daily. 😀

Logon studio software is free software from stardock. As we know stardock create alot of beautiful and useful software for windows user and one of the software is logonstudio. This software available for almost all windows version. This software also provides easy to use interface and to create logon screen design using LogonStudio just require three simple steps.

Let’s create your own Windows XP logon screen:

  • Download and install LogonStudio software in your computer. When I updated this article the software available for windows XP, Vista and windows 7.
  • Run the software after installation finished then fill the logon screen information that you want to create and then click Ok
  • Edit your windows XP logon screen design. This software provides WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor. You can edit or add a background, change color button, login form position, etc in the logon screen design.
  • After all design finished you can save it and you can activate it as logon screen directly. To view the result you may need to log off from your windows.

I hope this tutorial about “how to create windows XP logon screen” can useful for all this blog readers.

Posted by Fz 3 Responses

3 Responses to “How to Create Windows XP Logon Screen”

  1. victor lvarca says:

    good article tks.

  2. jeonakeivy says:

    Lots of errors, cant change what you wanted except for the images and fonts. 1.5/5

  3. Sydney says:

    @ jeonakeivy: You cannot blame human error on an inanimate object. The application works fine and is the nearest of them all for modifying the SYSTEM files without actually diving deep with resource hacker, Replace or Windows File Protection Switcher. On the Logon Studio Editor preview screen, in the right hand “Elements” panel, scroll all the way to the bottom to “User” and select “User Account”. In the “Properties” panel below that, in the Account position row, click the drop down box. A window will appear with a 3 X 3 row of boxes. Select the box for the position you want your user account to be. All additional users will be added / stacked in that new position. The rest should be elementary. Just thought I’d share this.


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