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Knowing all Software Loaded when Windows Start with WhatInStartup


On of the reason that slowly computer performance is to many application loaded when windows start-up. In most windows version to view the software that start is using “MsConfig” function. Other way to know  all applications that are loaded automatically when Windows starts is using “WhatInStartup”.  WhatInStartup is a small software that help user to control the software that loaded with windows. WhatInStartup software allows user to disable or delete unwanted programs that runs in Windows system easily.

What the advantages of WhatInStartup? with WhatInStartup also supports a special called “Permanent Disabling”. It can disable the program if a program that you disabled start automatically and added itself to the windows startup list, WhatInStartup will automatically detect and disable the software. This software works almost on all Windows version from Windows 2000 to Windows 7.

How to use this software

To use WhatInStartup doesn’t require any installation process or additional dll files.

  • Download and extrac the file in any folder you like, and run it by clicking executable file.
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  • If you want to know each software information that loaded you can double click at the applications and the following information will be displayed: Startup Type (Registry/Startup Folder), Command-Line String, Product Name, File Version, Company Name, Location in the Registry or file system, and more.
  • To disable, enable or delete the item, right click the items and select that you want.
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Click following link to download the software:

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