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One-Fifth Phishing Attacks Target Banks and Financial Organizations


One of five phishing attacks recorded during may, 2012 through April 2013, target the banks and other financial Organizations, according to a study of computer security firm Kaspersky Lab.

About 37 percent of all the banks surveyed that affected by phishing attacks at least once within the last 12 months.

The cyber criminals conduct phishing attack by making bogus pages–which resembles the target page–to trick customers of banks and financial Organizations and steal personal data in order to make a profit.

One-Fifth Phishing Attacks Target Banks and Financial Organizations

“It’s not surprising if the banking and electronic commerce (e-commerce) attracted the attention of cyber criminals. The success of utilizing fake online banking or online shopping pages give revenue or earnings directly to the scammers, “says Kaspersky Lab in the broadcast press release recently.

Different when they target the page search, social networking, or email which only resulted in personal data. To convert that data into a financial, the cyber criminals still must find a buyer such data.

Despite the danger of phishing attacks become widespread, installing security products with the functionality that is important to protect the financial activity will provide protection even to a lay user though when conducting online transactions, says Kaspersky.

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