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Reset Epson T50 and T60 without error 21000068


Get an error 21000068 when resetting your Epson T50 or Epson T60 and not see  any solution to prevent the problem. Why not try this tips, but reset this method not recommended for beginner user and you must understand what you are doing. These tips from Jagdish Rathore (India) and I have been granted permission to publish on this blog. He also has been publishing this reset method on his blog on: If you do not have any knowledge about PCB and electronics, I recommend don’t try this reset methode.

Here the reset method from Jagdish Rathore:

  1. Turn off printer and open printer.
  2. Open your Epson main PCB board.  You can view an 8 pin CMOS IC.  That is Epson waste ink counter IC and found on all Epson Printer.
    step 1 T50 -T60 resetting
  3. You can reset your printer without any resetter by following these ways.
  4. Soldering pin no 1,2,3,4 by wire  as show in PICTURE and now turn on printer for ”20 second”
    step 2 T50 -T60 resetting
  5. After 20 second turn off printer  and remove soldering wire from pin no. 1,2,3,4 ( back in original condition)
  6. Now turn on your printer
  7. And now your printer will be RESET

Note: This method is not recommended for beginners so you have to understand what you are doing. All problem caused by this tutorials is not our responsibility. Use this tutorial as your own risk.

Posted by Fz 63 Responses

63 Responses to “Reset Epson T50 and T60 without error 21000068”

  1. dhel says:

    is this really work?

  2. Fz says:

    I don’t know but Jagdish Rathore say its work on his printer on his printer

  3. jose cuellar says:

    its great thanks …. yes work

  4. rana says:

    Plz help me how to use epson r290 AdjProg.exe
    I’m changed date 01-04-2008 but it not work.

    see the link

  5. Fz says:

    @Rana, Date setting for R290 is not 4 jan 2008. Setting for this adjustment is 1 april 2008 or 3 april 2008. If you want to run the adjustment without error please read this article:

  6. rana says:

    @ Fz, A lot of Thanks for your help.

  7. koresh says:

    hello i have done this method but the only change was that i have a green power led but no head movement please help me
    koresh khamushi

  8. Andrebons says:

    This method will only kill your Printer Board

  9. grayfox says:

    Tried it. Doesn’t work. Printer won’t turn on after soldering the jumper. But after removing the jumper the printer turns on as usual but no success with the reset. No harm in trying though, just make sure you know your way around soldering the printer board.

  10. javier says:

    he hecho el procedimiento la impresora se movio el carruaje hizo su trabajo normal la he pagado le he quitado la soldadura la volvi a prender y me sle el mismo error
    dime una cuando se puentea en el carruaje seben esta los cartuchos

  11. seba says:

    i have don and it is un garron what i can do to make this printer epson t50 work please help

  12. sensui23 says:

    Try this one,
    1. Turn off printer and open printer.
    2. Open your Epson main PCB board. You can view an 8 pin CMOS IC. That is Epson waste ink counter IC and found on all Epson Printer.
    step 1 T50 -T60 resetting
    3. You can reset your printer without any resetter by following these ways.
    4. desolder pin5 (check first the IC pinout configuration). and now turn ON printer for ”20 second”

    5. After 20 second turn off printer and resolder pin5 ( back in original condition)
    6. Now turn on your printer
    7. And now your printer will be RESET

  13. Compadre says:

    Nada… no me funcionó en mi T50.. DOn’t Working for me!!! I tried all options!!! Help me!!! Thanks… Gracias Ayudenme, he intentado todo!

  14. kenny says:

    This reset does not work, did the process several times and all without success, to date there is no reset for this model. that allowed the epson in Brazil is no getting reset

  15. zahid says:

    this method is working but it is a wrong method because when printer is resetted the alignment of the nozzles is out on paper and the print is dirty

    the write for this method is adjustment program please any body tell me the ok link of adjustment program

  16. adam says:

    i have tried to solve error 21000068 by soldering the 1,2,3,4 pins but when i turn it on it does’nt turn on. can anyone help me out on how you managed to turn the printer on while soldered and any other to adjustment date for T50.

  17. jm2k7 says:

    This guide is what you get by joining the 1-2-3-4 pin printer will not start.

    Welding repair again, then everything returns to normal, the printer starts, but continuously blocked.

    No matter what you do will never be unlocked.

  18. mohammad says:

    what the fuck is this ..? why epson bastred compny put this option in the printers ??? if there is technical reason so why copmpany did not provide the resseter to users free ..thousonds of usres are upsets coz of bastered bitch epson company

  19. sh says:

    I need resetter epson me office 1100. Communication error 2100012c help me?

  20. Mamun says:

    i have tried to solve error 21000068 by soldering the 1,2,3,4 pins but when i turn it on it don’t turn on. can anyone help me out on how you managed to turn the printer on while soldered and any other to adjustment date for T60.pls help me….

  21. technics says:

    these method was really working,but it change it to default eeprom.
    surely reset,but it’s came back to default eeprom.the real eeprom…for this printer.
    because this printer is only a reprogramed by epson.

  22. nathan says:

    Finally i got the answers for a very long time question about this issue on my own i solve error 21000068.. yeah this right.. the reason why you get this error 21000068 when you trying to reset your Epson T60 printer using T60 resetter is just simple, the resetter you are using is not compatible with the chip attached to the board of printer. try to use T50 resetter and it will 100% work guaranteed and tested.. heres the link to download the working resetter for Epson T60

  23. OhchyKwajah says:

    These Epson bastards thought you could not get a sulution. I’m happy it worked perfectly on TX650, Andrebons may be too the printer to sewage attendant instead of a proper technician.

  24. echoakira says:

    the way is to short electric sircuit …dont try…it can damage your machine id n epprom too…i’ve check the machine by epson tool is ….i’ll send n post the new working reseter soon for t60…be patient please

  25. DANSON MWANGI says:

    please could anyone outside there send me any programme that can reset epson tx650 pad overflow.

  26. leiaah says:


  27. karuru says:

    how can you resolve communication error 21000068 when trying to reset epson tx 650.please assist

  28. johan says:

    gracias me sirvio tenia error de comunicacion nathan gracias eres un bacan

  29. chellon says:

    yeheh,,i got it..thanks so t50 will help to reset t60..luv u guys

  30. nivadalinux says:

    wow thank for sharing this T50 resetter for my t60, it’s working thank you so much!

  31. rjay says:

    many thanks nathan it really works!!!!

  32. al rafay tech says:

    we have resater t50 t60 contac number 03015207732 pakistan

  33. samuel says:

    tanks a lot nathan… printer works fine….. luve yah brother….

  34. joeal says:

    NATHAN, big thanks to you! worked perfectly for my T60…

  35. Manny De Mesa says:

    NATHAN, Thanks a lot for your being kind, this is the end of my longest searching for my t60 re-setter and it’s really work, cause i tried it, please try it. THANKS! THANKS! THANKS! THANKS!

  36. moh'd says:

    hi, nathan has given a good solution, thanks. i have used it before but now i have a different problem. it won’t reset. says communication error

  37. domeng says:

    NATHAN, thanks a lot for your being kind. I used this for my future resetting and also its really work caused i tried it for my t60 printer.

  38. mozard says:

    NATHAT, I try to do with T60, when turn on printer nothing happend,it can’t turn on printer.After I removed wire every OK,I can’t turn on the printer. Why?

  39. allan says:


  40. Patch says:

    sir its works thanks for everything if you have a problem re- anything with ur computer
    i can help.

  41. Patch says:

    sir nathan ur d the best.

  42. katrina says:

    thanks!!! it worked on my printer! ^_^

  43. Benard says:

    some one please direct me where to down load ressetter fo tx650 without communication error 21000068

  44. kiddah says:

    for my tx650 pad .
    dont know what to do
    pliz some one help

  45. madraztah says:

    i have the same problem with my resetter by ortho… comm. err. 21000068… what does it mean? is it the resetters error or my t60? i dont understand this stuff?

  46. Chulan says:

    as per mention diagram i solder 1234 after i trying switch on. but did not on the machine.

  47. brian kasuki says:

    how can i avoid error 21000068 while resetting epson t50

  48. Paul says:

    How can i resett my epson stylus TX650. It is giving a “communication error 21000068”. Am using windows 7

  49. bleach says:

    Nothing works!! i follow this steps one by one still have comm error.

  50. sann seanghai says:

    i have the problem with epson T60 i want to you help me bleach can you help me?

  51. bansay says:

    I have desame problem. error communaction i trying to reset.

  52. IMRAN says:

    download the Folder T50-T60 Working One from my webpage here is working link is given below
    100 % working software
    The Methods how to Reset Epson T60:
    1. Surely your printer joined to computer,turn on printer.
    2. change the computer date into (10/07/2007.)
    3. Turn “AdjProg.exe”.
    4. click “Accept”.
    5. click “Particular adjustment mode”.
    6. Then choose Waste Ink pad Counter OK.
    7. click button “Check”, till process finish.
    8. click button “Initialization” click “Finish”.
    9. Power off printer, then turn on .
    now its done
    congrats you have save your money 🙂
    just say thanks
    CONTACT #: 0092 333 6363985

  53. Sharma says:

    this tips do no work…

  54. Ram kundu says:

    Thanks IMRAN vi. now my problem is solve.

  55. marvin seredilla says:

    your right . i encounter error 200000010 . what I’m gonna do ?

  56. Asadullah says:

    Thanks Imran…………
    i ve done successfully

  57. Aaron Joseph says:

    Nice one IMRAN.. Just saved my day..thanks a lot!

  58. KING says:

    IMRAN.. i use the software which u give, then after initialize , my printer T60 change to T50 driver .. so how should i change back to driver T60.?

  59. KING says:

    IMRAN! my printer T60 changed to T50 d , how to make it change back T60.??????!!!!!!!!!!

  60. bon says:

    thanks IMRAN, you save my night and 300P..

  61. Ali Tahir says:

    Dear mr king,
    I have done the same thing with my printer t60 and now i used printer as t50 running successfully you plz kindly restore your printer with epson t50 resetting software.You did the mistake of writing EEPROM of printer no problem just restore it with t50 and install drivers of t50 restart your printer and your printer will work fine , if you have problem of focus do head alignment in printer maintenance for this you visit, and search printer head alignment setting for epson t50 if you have anyother problem ask me ………

    have a nice dayyyy

  62. Rian says:

    Thanks IMRAN . . .I’ve purchase WIC key worth $9.99 and did not get my order.
    How stupid they are. But anyway my problem was solved and thanks to you.

  63. William says:

    Thanks Imran. Only your link that works. I have tried so many downloads but i failed over and over again. you saved my day.

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