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Review: osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.3


Want to open an online store but constrained problem charge? Or want to have online shopping site but didn’t know how to make it? Some sites indeed has provided convenience for such matters. But if you want to use a web-based application, you can try this one.

osCommerce Online Merchant is an application of e-commerce (online commerce) that is used to manage web-based online shopping site. It can be used on a web server that already installed PHP and MYSQL database. Can also be used freely because this application is open-source under the GNU General Public License. osCommerce is small-sized and free were developed for a variety of purposes in making the online shopping site, for example to create a store with products of which there are tens of thousands. And again, this program can be juxtaposed with an open-source site application like WordPress.

Review - osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.3

So far, osCommerce has provided more than 7000 Add-ons that are available for free in order to display a safer shopping site and flexibility. And for those of you who feel the layperson or want to study further afield can make use of the included PDF file or seek information via the internet.

Start to use this application please visit here

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