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How to Shutdown Windows XP Automatically


You listening  music on your computer or you watching TV using your TV Tuner on your PC till fall asleep and and computer still blaze at the time yours moment fall asleep. This matter besides making your PC work continually also extravagance of energi. Use this  simple tricks to prevent this matter that is making computer automatic shutdown after several times. to do this trick, you not need any software to install in your computer.

Here this ways :

  1. Open command promt by click Start menu – program – Accessories – Command Promt or start menu then run or click windows button in the keyboard + R.
  2. After Command Promt appears type “tsshutdn [time] /POWERDOWN” without (“), for example to shutdown automatically windows XP after 3600 second (one hour), type “tsshutdn 3600 /POWERDOWN” without (“) the press Enter.
  3. If have, will appears the message “system in shutting down in 3600 seconds”. Klik Ok at this Pop up windows.
  4. Minimize the Command Promt windows (note : don’t be closed the Command Promt windows. If closed the timer will not work)
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