The “Blue Screen Of Death” And Other IT Problems Facing Your Company
Today’s businesses are more dependent than ever on their IT systems. But as those systems have become more technological, the problems have become more complex. In the past businesses used to dread the “blue screen of death.” It was a sure sign that your IT system had totally collapsed and you were in for some serious problems. Now the blue screen of death is more of a figurative, rather than a literal concern, although Windows 10 does apparently have one.
Here’s are some of the IT problems facing your company, and what you can do about them.
Denial Of Service Attacks
We tend to hear a lot about denial of service attacks, otherwise known as DDoS attacks; but what are they? In simple terms, it’s when a hacker spams your server with loads of instructions in order to overload it. Once the server is overloaded with requests, it’s either paralysed or shuts down entirely.
If you’re a business, that’s a big problem. The last thing you want to happen is for your systems to suddenly go down during a busy day of trading. But DDoS attacks are surprisingly common. In fact, they’re the biggest threat businesses currently, face to their continuity.
With the right IT support, many attacks can be diverted. Today’s modern businesses have, therefore, have a choice. They either invest in their IT defences, or they can risk it, and lose their critical systems.
Waiting Until Something Breaks Before You Fix It
According to research, about 80 percent of IT technician’s time is spent fixing systems. That’s a lot. But what the reason for it? The main reason seems to be the fact that systems aren’t kept up to date. Many companies still insist on running their own computer systems which generate endless problems. As these systems age, parts fail, and the whole process becomes ever more time consuming.
Benjamin Franklin once said that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” And little did he know what when it comes to computer systems, he was right. Waiting until something fails is a recipe for disaster. The day the failure occurs, you’ll struggle to do work or keep your business operational. The solution is to build in an IT schedule for replacing various parts of your IT system. Thanks to the cloud, it’s easier than ever to have minimal systems at your end. Many modern businesses function perfectly adequately with a few notebooks and a WiFi router.
Failing To Integrate Your Systems
Every time a new technology gets released, there’s a risk that it won’t work with older systems. We see this kind of think continuously in the world of IT. Every time windows updates, there’s a risk that you’ll have compatibility with legacy systems.
Integration is a complicated issue. But, again, it’s something that can be solved by moving your IT systems into the cloud. The good thing about cloud is that none of the integration has to be done at your end. Instead, the cloud service provider is responsible for updating their own systems. This is a game changer for business.