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The Web Design Trinity


No modern business can survive for long without a good website. If you’ve been trundling along without giving much thought to your business’s site, then this needs to change immediately! Turning you into a full-fledged designer would take several books and practical lessons, but as an entrepreneur, you probably don’t have time for that. The following is what we call the “web design trinity” – thee three elements you need to think about more than anything.


In order to seize and then hold your target market’s attention, you need to make sure that your website has a highly strategic layout, which tells a compelling story. Every little piece of content needs to be crafted with the aim of making the reader want to move onto the next phase in the buying process, or discover more about your brand. Whatever your main goal is in creating the site in the first place, highlight the materials that are going to do this in the “showcase area”, and always have links to them in the borders. Don’t become too hell-bent on filling the pages up either. An organized, clutter-free layout can often be dependent on blank space, and you’ll see it utilized on a lot of successful sites.

Color Scheme

The Web Design TrinityImage source: Max Pixel

A lot of people find this hard to believe, but the color scheme you use on your site is going to have a massive impact on the perceived professionalism of your brand. Even if your business cards are sleeker than any of your competitors’, and you’re the only brand in your niche using a mailbox with digital forwarding, a color scheme that clashes can have the potential to make countless visitors totally lose faith in your brand. Different colors, gradients and combinations are going to evoke different emotions, and be more or less effective at drawing an idle visitor’s gaze. When you’re selecting a color scheme for your site, take some time to think about how your colors are going to be used, and where you want to draw people’s attention. You don’t necessarily need to use a color scheme that matches your logo exactly. However, it should mesh well with the rest of your visual branding materials. Be sure to keep a strict cap on the number of shades you use. Too many will clash and dazzle the visitor.


Typography, simply put, is the art of designing and arranging type in any given format. You should make sure that yours is unique and interesting, but still easily readable. When it comes to your main body copy, stick with a font and style that’s easy to read, even in a massive block of text. Arial and Calibri are always good options. When it comes to headings, sub-headings and calls to action, you can afford to be a little more playful. If your text is even a little bit hard to read, there’s a chance that your visitors will skip over it, and miss some important detail about why your business is a great solution to their problem!


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