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The Winners in Giveaway iSkysoft SyncPod


The giveaway iSkysoft SyncPod on this blog has ended. I have selected the 10 lucky visitors who obtained the license key. I’m so sorry because I almost forgot to announce and selected the winner.

The Winner on Giveaway iSkySoft SyncPod

Congratulations for all lucky readers. Here the 10 lucky readers:

Peter Pmchenga***
krin nguyenxuannam1985***
bread maker bmaker1101***
Neo elvisparkinson***
ha14 hovsep.avedis***
aungzeya38 aungzeya38***
Jimmy jmyfva***
Linu George linugeorge***
Jake Pals 010311.dl5***
Siddx niroopsingh***

All the winners will receive the license key from iSkysoft.

Posted by Fz 7 Responses

7 Responses to “The Winners in Giveaway iSkysoft SyncPod”

  1. bread maker says:

    Thanks, I’m on the list! Wonder if the key will be here soon 🙂

  2. ha14 says:

    Congrats to all for this nice software and thanks to for organizing this event and thanks to iSkysoft .

  3. Neo says:

    thx man

  4. krin says:

    Many thanks

  5. siddx says:

    Thankyou so much sir.I really really need that.You are awsome.

  6. aungzeya38 says:


    Thank you so much..
    i enjoy too much reading your site.

    Wishes the best

  7. Peter says:

    Thanks guy am on the list, u just made my day!


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