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Tips and Tricks Desktop for Windows XP


Hide desktop Icons in the windows XP screen

Hide desktop Icons in the windows XP screen will make windows desktop looked to be cleanness, Follow the steps to hide all desktop icon :

  1. Run Registry editor Start-Run-type Regedit
  2. Go to HKey_Current_User | Software | Microsoft | Windows | Current Version | Policies | Explorer
  3. Right click in the right pane and add a new DWORD
  4. Name that NoDesktop
  5. Give it a value of 1
  6. Logoff or Restart the computer to take effect
  7. Now they are hidden all the icons on your desktop

How to Make your Desktop Icons Transparent

simple tricks, Make your Desktop Icons Transparent will beautify appearance of desktop

  1. Go to control Panel
  2. select System then Advanced
  3. Performance area
  4. Settings button Visual Effects tab “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the Desktop”

Enable Automatic Refresh Windows Screen

Enable Automatic Refresh Windows Screen, Follow the steps taken to change the updates automatically.

  • First click on the Start button, then type Regedit in the Run option.
  • In the Registry Editor go to the panel of the route: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | System | CurrentControlSet | Control | UpdateMode
  • Here on the right side panel editing a DWORD value to be between 1 and 5.
  • Now restart the computer after the changes come into force.

Remove Username From Start Menu in Windows XP

  • Open up registry editor, by Click Start – run then type regedit
  • Go to the following key

HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer

  • Create a new DWORD value on the right pane with the following values Name


Value: 1

  • To remove, either set the value to 0 or just delete the key. You will have to log off and back on to see the start menu without the username:
  • You could also remove the picture by deleting or renaming this folder

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ Application Data\ Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures

Doing so would remove the picture from the login page as well, and it doesn’t remove the blue border across the top.

Note : that this only applies to the XP style menu, not the classic menus

Posted by Fz 4 Responses

4 Responses to “Tips and Tricks Desktop for Windows XP”

  1. Aaliyah Wood says:

    have anyone noticed that infolinks earnings this week have been a bit lower.,;*

  2. Fz says:

    @Aaliyah Wood, Yes aaliyah, I see infolinks have a bit lower since July 2nd, 2010.

  3. Samantha Thomas says:

    i also signed up on infolinks and they pay better than kontera’~-

  4. Fridge Freezers says:

    i am using infolinks and chitika and i think infolinks have the best payout ~:-


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