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How to Activate Undo Send Feature in Gmail (Google Mail)


When write an email, you accidentally click send button. If you use Google Mail (GMail) you can activate “undo send” feature. If activated this feature Gmail will give you 5 seconds  delay before email sent. Undo send email is new feature from Gmail. This feature is useful when you accidentally click the send button while create an email that caused the incomplete emails sent to the recipients unintentionally.

How it work.  Once the send button clicked, Gmail will provide an undo link that gives you the chance to undo the email sending up to 5 seconds (like the picture below). After 5 seconds time limit is reached, the undo link will disappear and the email will be sent, which means you cannot do any undo action to the email anymore. By default this feature not active in Gmail but you can activate this feautures on your gmail Account.

How to activate Undo Send feature in GMail:

  • Login to your GMail account then click setting (On the top right)
  • Open Labs tabs. You can view “Undo Send”. Enable this feature the save the setting.
  • Look “Undo Send”, enable this feature. Save the setting

Every time you send an email, the Undo link will appear for 5 second. Hopefully this will help you to recall any incomplete emails from sent to the recipients.

Posted by Fz 1 Response

One Response to “How to Activate Undo Send Feature in Gmail (Google Mail)”

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