Internet users committed to Google products must be very familiar with Google Chrome, the corporation\u2019s trademarked internet browser. Those who have been using Gmail, AdSense, Google Play Store, Google Docs, and other Google products will find it very convenient to use those products if they use Google Chrome. While this browser is quite popular because of its simplistic UI, which is later adopted by Firefox and Internet Explorer, and because of its easy synchronization feature and it’s easy to optimize your Google Chrome<\/a>, then few people are aware that the grandeur of Google Chrome actually grows from Chromium browser, from which Google Chrome draws its source code. Chromium, which is developed by Google\u2019s Chromium Project, is still available today and you can choose between both browsers if you consider one of them better for you. Read on to learn more about some specific features of each browser that make it better than its counterpart.<\/p>
Google Chrome<\/a> has a number of features that make it suitable for internet users, especially Google products users, who expect stable and reliable internet browser. Those features are listed as follows.<\/p>
Chromium<\/a> clarified its separation from Google Chrome when it released the third version of its alpha build in 2009. Since then, it has been undergone several updates. The most recent version of this browser is Chromium 36.0. There are several features that make this browser a good option for a particular group of users.<\/p>