{"id":335,"date":"2009-01-21T22:45:03","date_gmt":"2009-01-21T22:45:03","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/tricks-collections.com\/?p=1681"},"modified":"2011-10-26T07:55:35","modified_gmt":"2011-10-26T07:55:35","slug":"make-windows-xp-look-like-windows-7","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/tricks-collections.com\/make-windows-xp-look-like-windows-7\/","title":{"rendered":"Make Windows XP Look Like Windows 7"},"content":{"rendered":"

Do you want appearance or look n feel your Windows XP like Windows 7 desktop? You can install windows 7 transformation pack on your computer. At this time Windows 7 is available in beta version but almost on final release.<\/p>

There are lots of\u00a0 Windows 7 Transformation Pack for Windows XP on internet and almost everything is free. Appearance of Windows 7 desktop almost like Windows Vista but on Windows 7\u00a0 there are some new features such aero shake, aero snap, new themes and more.<\/p>

How to make windows XP look like Windows 7<\/strong><\/p>

Download transformation packs <\/a>software from link below and extract, all software in the transformation pack is collected from various source and made in one package. Here how to transform your Windows XP :<\/p>


A. Windows se7en cursor<\/strong><\/p>

Go to cursors folder in the extracted folder and rick click mouse in install.inf file and then select install.<\/p>

B. Windows se7en Boot Screen<\/strong><\/p>

In the package available two file of boot screen, boot screen for Windows Vista and Windows XP. Install it.<\/p>

C. Windows se7en sound scheme<\/strong><\/p>

Copy all file in the sounds folder to \/%system root%\/media\/ folder, and then setting up the sound from control panel.<\/p>

D. Windows se7en Style<\/strong><\/p>

Install Styler software in the styles folder and then copy the skin to installed folder. Activate one off the skin.<\/p>

E. Start menu<\/strong><\/p>

Run start menu in the start menu folder.<\/p>

F. Logon Screen<\/strong><\/p>

Install user login screen file in logon screen folder.<\/p>

G. Wallpaper<\/strong><\/p>

Available 12 Windows se7en\u2019s wallpaper in wallpaper folder.<\/p>

H. Windows se7en Themes<\/strong><\/p>

Copy \u201cWindows 7 M1 VS\u201d folder in theme folder and then copy to \/%system root\/resources\/themes, and activate the theme by right clicking mouse in the desktop and select appearance tab and select windows seven themes. Click apply.<\/p>

I. Vienna Explorer (Widows se7en Explorer)<\/strong><\/p>

Run Vienna Explorer in the Vienna Explorer folder. Tips : to run this software run automatically when windows XP start, right click the software in the desktop and check \u201crun automatically when windows start\u201d and then click ok.<\/p>

J. Windows se7en Pie Dock<\/strong><\/p>

Run windows seven pie dock in pie dock folder.<\/p>

K. Start Orb<\/strong><\/p>

This software to beautify start button. Run the software.<\/p>

L. Windows se7en icon<\/strong><\/p>

Not available in this package. You can search the icon in the internet.<\/p>

Tips :<\/strong><\/p>