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3 Best Tips for Google Adsense to Get Higher CTR and Make More Money with Adsense


google-adsense-more-money-tipsGoogle Adsense is Cost per Click advertising based. To get more money from google Adsense we must get more clicks on ads or increase Google Adsense CTR (click through ratio). CTR is a measure of how often users click on your Adsense. Some of the tips is my experiment with Google Adsense and on my experiment the following tips can increase CTR up to 2%-4%.

Are you ready to make more money with Google Adsense? Please follow the following tips.

Tips 1: Use section targeting on your website

With Adsense section targeting will make the show Adsense more relevant to your website content. To implement section targeting, you’ll need to add a set of special HTML comment tags to your website/blog code.

The HTML tags to emphasize a page section take the following format:

<!– google_ad_section_start –>
<!– google_ad_section_end –>

To view about more section targeting click this section targeting help .

Tips 2: Match the color and font of your Adsense

This tip will blended Adsense as links similar to your site. Blending Adsense with your sites color and font profile helps to identify them not as ads. Here how to match the Adsense color and font similar to your website/blog

  • Login to Adsense account
  • Click “Adsense Setup” tab then “manage Adsense”. Click  “Edit Ad Settings” on the individual ads to be edited.
  • Set font family, font Size, color and background of Adsense similar to your website.
    google adsense blending option
  • Save your setting

Tips 3: Get the best Google Adsense Placement for CTR

For this tip I will show with image to put Adsense on your blog

Placement for homepage


Placement for single content


You may also see Google Heatmap


I hope these tips help to increase your Adsense CTR earning. Good luck and make more money with Adsense.

Posted by Fz 7 Responses

7 Responses to “3 Best Tips for Google Adsense to Get Higher CTR and Make More Money with Adsense”

  1. Hi friend Very informative post. I like your blog… keep up to date

  2. hey that great dude ..
    i never seen adsense heat map that you have shown

  3. ratheesh says:

    ya,this absolutly right sir,and very useful for others

  4. vicky says:

    it has always been giving money and not making it . in my case.

  5. Angga Lingga says:

    Nice article dude. But until now I never got a ads click on my blog. 🙁
    Anyway, I will use your suggestion for design my template 😀

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