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Can New Google Adsense Looks increase Publisher Revenue?


Google announce a revamped design for three adsense for content that is leaderboard (728×90), medium and large rectangle (300×250, 336×280) size. On the leaderboard, the title, description and URL arranged in rows instead of columns, on medium and large rectangle, now the URL is in the same line with the title. On medium and large rectangle adsense size the new design look more tidy. I don’t know this new adsense design will increase Google adsense publisher revenue or not but in my adsense account, with the new adsense design there no CTR and earnings increased.

Comparison previous AdSense ads designs with new adsense designs

Here the comparison new adsense designs with old adsense designs. Click the picture to get full size picture.

Medium and large rectangle ad sense size

large rectangle adsense unit

medium rectangle adsense unit

Leaderboard adsense size

leaderboard-adsense unit

This new design is testing from Google and that these changes will roll out over the next few weeks. But I read comments from publisher the revenue decreased after using these adsense designs, unfortunately on adsense setting there no option to disable this new adsense look.

Source: new-look-for-adsense-for-content-ad

Posted by Fz 2 Responses

2 Responses to “Can New Google Adsense Looks increase Publisher Revenue?”

  1. DG says:

    I think the new adsense formats it’s very interesting, cause the font size are bigger from older ads formats, especially for 724×90. I hope this will increase the earning for all publishers especially for newbies like me… :mrgreen:

  2. Baca News says:

    Nice look ^_^….I’m a newbie 4 adsense……


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