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Rotate Windows 7 Logon Background Automatically with Windows 7 Logon Screen Rotator


Windows 7 Logon Screen Rotator is a free application that will change the logon background image automatically each day, each logon or each computer lock. This software support for Windows 7 and Windows Vista possible Widows XP included.

Windows 7 Logon Screen Rotator is very easy to use. You may choose individual images or folders of images (which will be monitored by the application for changes) for the program to select random images from.

windows 7 logon screen rotator

Features of Windows 7 Logon Rotator:

  • Changes background each day, on each logon or each computer lock.
  • Takes the background images from a folder. So you can use the Windows 7 Library feature to collect all your favorite pictures and then use it here.
  • Allows you to change button set i.e. lighter or darker text shadows or none.
  • Lets you preview
  • You can also change the Logon Image on your will.

Download free Windows 7 Logon Rotator from here

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