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How to Reset Canon MP198, MP258, MP276, MP496, MP558, MP568, and MP648


To everyone who required resetter for canon MP198, MP258, MP276, MP496, MP558, MP568, and MP648 to reset ink counter on these canon printer model, I found how to reset these canon printers model on indoreset. Canon MP198, MP258, MP276, MP496, MP558, MP568, and MP648 is canon all in one printer verison that designed for home and small office.

I don’t know this reset method work or not on canon MP198, MP258, MP276, MP496, MP558, MP568, and MP648 because I don’t have this printer model to try this reset method.

Ready to reset your printer, follow the following steps:

All these steps must be done to reset your canon MP198, MP258, MP276, MP496, MP558, MP568, and MP648 printer.

A. Entering into service mode

  • Turn off the printer off is the printer power on. And remove the printer USB cable from your computer..
  • While the printer is OFF, press and hold the Start/Stop button on the some other canon printers model press Resume/Cancel button.
  • While still holding Start/Stop button or Resume/Cancel button, press and hold the POWER button.
  • When the POWER LED (green light) lit, release the Start/Stop or resume/cancel button (still holding the POWER button).
  • Still holding the power button,   Press the Start/Stop button or resume/cancel button TWICE then Release the POWER button. Wait until LCD printer to display 0 (zero) number
  • After the display is 0, attach the printer UDB cable to your computer, its will detected new device installed (its normal), now go to resetting steps

B. Resetting Ink counter on the Printer

  • Run “service_tool 1050.exe”. you can download the service tool software from this link:
    service tool 1050
  • Confirm detected USB-port numbers on USB port column.
  • Click “Main button” on Clear ink counter section. Make sure there are papers in the paper feed because the printer will print after the process is complete.
  • Click “platen button” on the “Clear ink counter” section. The printer will print again.
  • Turn off the printer and then turn the printer on. You printer is ready for use.

Note: This original tutorial info is from indoreset. No warranty to all risk caused by this tutorial or the software mentioned on this tutorial because it’s just info.

Posted by Fz 78 Responses

78 Responses to “How to Reset Canon MP198, MP258, MP276, MP496, MP558, MP568, and MP648”

  1. moms says:


    thanks for the guide.

    more power!!!

    God bless!!!

  2. robi says:

    hello i can success because i use service tool and i click main button, but can display error 006
    please help me
    best regards

  3. japs says:

    tried @ mp 258 but no luck, enter service mode. After I click “Main button” on Clear ink counter section the program hang up, wait for a few miuntes still the program not responding.

  4. Simfer says:

    Thanks,,it helps a lot.

  5. mark says:

    when i click the MAIN button to reset the ink level, the mp tool says that the process is successful, but when i click the PLATEN in clear ink counter, the mp tool says that has error code 001..what is the meaning of ERROR 001?

  6. wibito says:

    Same problem, I also find error 001 after I click PLATEN, can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?

  7. Theinnaingoo says:

    Hi i can success because i use service tool and i click main button, but can display error 006
    Thanks, it helps a lot.

  8. sha says:

    same prob. it hangs up when i click on the main. my printer is MP 496

  9. beck estabillo says:

    @Sha, @Theinnaingoo, @wibito, @mark, @japs, @robi ok guys, i think ur problem is the o.s. itself….try using the o.s. (operating system) windows xp….

  10. japs says:

    i tried different pc w/ different os but still cant reset , i can reset mp 198 but not on mp258..

  11. pjdgreat says:

    same problem here. my printer mp258 hang upon clicking the main. what do you think is the culprit. i’ve been trying to fix this for almost 3 weeks now. pls help..thanks

  12. Christopher says:

    when i click main it hang up the pc, i tried windows 7, xp and vista same problem is this resetter really working, i notice about the resetter, when i open the usb port is wrong, when i see the port of the printer, they are not the same

  13. pj says:

    did not work on canon mp258

  14. ross says:

    it did’nt help when i click main button it dispalys err 006 my os is windows xp also

  15. ross6571 says:

    thanks. It works…

  16. itga says:

    From this:

    Error : 006 will be the printer is not running properly in SERVICE MODE

  17. kimithecat says:

    yo ross6571,what is your printer model?is it mp258?

  18. vatsala says:

    y the Ink details cannot be displayed???

  19. jupiter says:

    i can’t download service tool 1050….where can i find the software?
    please help

  20. Bong Marimon says:

    it really works 100% with my Canon mp258…. hope this can help more… in step 2 with the use of service tool exe.. just click ink clear counter MAIN then EEPROM CLEAR then EEPROM… turn off the printer then turn on SUCCESS!!!!!! HAPPY RESETTING GUYS….

  21. sayote says:

    mp258 error P07 when clicking main the service tool 1050 hangs up. it stop responding. I’m using Windows 7 64bit and XP 2nd Edition used both OS same response.

  22. mark_12 says:

    thanks for the guide!! 🙂

  23. Shihab says:

    Thanks for the tutorial. It works fine.

  24. DarkStar says:

    HI My MP258 when clicking main the service tool 1050 hangs up. It stop responding. I’m using Windows 7 32bit Ultimate.

  25. Zheed says:

    the error 006 is because your not in the service mode, but i got a problem error 005.
    anyone can help me with it. the resetter hang’s when clickin the main button. What is the use of the SIPTollsLite tool with the service 1050?

  26. Nora Deguzman says:

    thank you so much for posting this solution, it works on my printer..thank you again!!
    God bless you!!!

  27. boimginanjar says:

    I got problem to use service 1050, first i have error 006, because i’m not in service mode (may be, i don’t understand),and then i try again, i have error 005,please anyone can help me to fix my problem,i use canon pixma mp258

  28. DEEPERSKYO says:


  29. jiji says:

    error e02 please check it 🙂

  30. looxy says:

    i’ve encountered that code 02 huhuhuhu what is the meaning of that !! any one can help i need it so badly!!!!

  31. looxy says:

    now i encountered code 001 huhuhhuhuhh please help me asap!! thnx

  32. jeo says:

    what is error 5B00 from cannon mp258

  33. jeo says:

    oooppssss i also got erros 006

  34. jeo says:

    anyone how can i fix error code 006? and if error code 006 the reason why is that i’m not in service mode? how can i activate the service mode? anyone please????

  35. jeo says:

    again and again i did the resset power on and start/resume button but it hangs when i press the MAIN button…. how can i fix it? or what should i change on the settings anyone?? really need help help thanks in advance….

  36. Jers says:

    Tnx my problem is nw solve

  37. kimithecat says:

    does this work on mp258?

  38. apoliario says:

    Same error with jeo! We follow the procedure but nothings happen

  39. Oscar says:

    Tanxk a lot It did work for my mp250 cannon. didi the reset manualy then run the reseter.
    after the reseter it printed a test page but when in tried to print ididnt so i had to erase the second printer on control panel then umplug the printer usb and power cables then restar the computer then it worked fine thanks i had to days working….

  40. rajesh kumar says:

    now i encountered code 001 please help me

  41. niez says:

    my problem just like rajesh kumar…. ServiceaTool V1050 encountered error:(error code 001) plz help… thanx….

  42. Kimithecat says:

    i dont think this ServiceaTool V1050 work on mp258?tried a few times but it wont work.plz help anyone!!

  43. joy says:

    need help for this error p o7!!

  44. js says:

    my canon mp258 got e15 ,whats is this problem?i reset oso cannot lo !any ppl can help pls…

  45. ToM says:

    for error 005 ; just press the Reload button (for reload the USB port)

  46. ToM says:

    Error code canon MP258
    P02 (Carriage error)
    P03 (Line feed error)
    P05 (ASF cam sensor error)
    P06 (Internal temperature error)
    P07 (Ink absorber full)
    P08 (Print head temperature rise error)
    P09 (EEPROM error)
    P10 (VH monitor error)
    P15 (USB VBUS over current)
    P20 (Other hardware error)
    P22 (Scanner error)

  47. ryan3 says:

    same problem here when i press the main buttom i always hangs the service tools software.. please help me T_T tnx Guys

  48. mox says:

    i got error 006 when i press main..i restart the application and when i press main it hangs..again relaunch comes with error 006 then hangs..need printer wont even print anything..

  49. jr says:

    i got an error 005 and when i press main button it’s still hang on.. please help me in this problem

  50. bahrul ilmi says:

    i have error 006, i renewel fine catridges have else, i got misliinesd, and i got same error 006…………. please helps me

  51. Wong says:

    give a list of error E.. le @@

  52. ct says:

    mp258 printer.errpr b200 display at

  53. arunjit says:

    i cant use this software. i install and run it but when i connect the printer (in said mode) the software become hang… till i disconnect the printer. it happen always when i press the clear EPROM buttom

  54. arunjit says:

    help me pliz

  55. Amer Adduru says:

    Thanks a lot dude! Great help!
    God Bless You!

  56. nainee says:

    can i ask something??i have some problem with my printer Canon MP258..when i want to print,the paper was stuck and cannot print out..can i know what the problem with that??

  57. NaRu says:

    hello guys MEOW

    I got the same problem with the error but i did was to think deep, research and also use my analytical ability hahaha 🙂

    i am new here

    the first thing u need to do is to enter in the [SERVICE MODE IN THE PRINTER]

    1) u need to turn off the printer then hold the [STOP/RESET] button Then turn [ON] HOLD Also the [ON] Button, then release the [STOP/RESET] Button and then PRESS 2X THE [STOP/RESET] Button then that’s it your in the [SERVICE MODE].

    2) U Will not receive the error code u can now use the program u can now reset the printer

    3) run the program then press the [MAIN] [In The Clear In Counter] then turn off the printer
    then turn on that’s it the printer is now ready to use

    face book []

  58. lumad512 says:

    for error b200…try…..tnx

    No worries, here’s how to reset the machine:
    1) Hold the On/Off button for 1 sec. until the printer shuts off.
    2) Unplug the USB cable and then the power cord.
    3) Press the power button for 1 sec.
    4) Wait 10 minutes, then plug the power cord back in and then the USB cable.
    5) Press the power button to turn it on again.

  59. mr.azis ali says:

    my printer canon mp258 canot run the resetter, what was i do better to reset

  60. Kaps says:

    I am getting a “001” error by clicking on Platen after clicking Main on my Mp 258.

    Can someone plz give me a solution.

    Plz mail me if possible, am badly stuck

    Thanks in advance

  61. Ankit says:

    I followed all the procedure mention above to reset the ink level for canon mp258. However, my printer still dont print. Any Ideas?

    Thank you

  62. luke says:

    thanks,, this pocedure helps me a lot…thank you so much!

  63. SAMUEL WVS says:

    Thanks….the resetter for canon pi98 is very effective. Just follow the instruction you can reset too. God bless!

  64. azhera says:

    dick!!!always not responding!!???

  65. beth says:

    im getting 005 error when i click the main button. please help m

  66. lim says:

    i am getting E2 error, but i don’t see any problem with my feeder or no paper jam. Seems like the paper cannot be sucked into the printer.

  67. ajith says:

    my printer mp 258
    error massage E03E

    please help me to recover by my self E03E

  68. alexwong says:

    Thanks. It work perfectly.

  69. Glenn says:

    Thank you it worked but ziddo link really sucked! Mediafire would have been better. Thanx still for sharing.

  70. karen gutierrez says:

    hello!!!!after printing 1000 pages on my printer??? how do i reset???it says 16 E on the error….thanks!!!!

  71. sonny tano says:

    thanks!!!! it works for my canon258

  72. clee says:

    I want to reset my canon MP198, anyone, … help?

  73. mitch says:

    i cannot run the service tool it says error 006

  74. I’ve tried manually to conon mp558 resetter tersebut.tetapi barhasil not up on the LCD screen does not display numbers 0.instead lamp life changing the turn
    yes please help

  75. kanivel says:

    run service tool nothing happen why.service tool not responding?

  76. Rob says:

    I am looking for a resetting program (service tool) for my Canon Pixma MP490.

    Tried some of the others and they run but the ink level reset options is not available.

  77. amri says:

    How can i reset the printer back to the factory setting. My printer is working, but sometimes its the computer that we can format all the program and seems like there any program like that??? I’ve tried this ‘services tool’ but it is not working.please help me.

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