The Best Tips For Marketing Your Products During The Holidays
It’s time to kick your e-commerce website up a notch with Christmas around the corner, but you’re not sure what you should do. Or, maybe you want to launch a website in time for the holidays, in which case you’ll want to click here. Either way, here are a few easy-to-follow tips for marketing your products during the holidays.
1. Don’t stop promoting because you assume everyone’s finished with their Christmas shopping after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Plenty of people leave Christmas shopping until the very last minute (a lot of people are still searching for the perfect gift on Christmas Eve). Also, some people can’t get together until after the holidays, which means they’ll save their shopping for December 26th, when they expect to score great deals.
2. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start promotions early, though. If you haven’t started already, get your marketing campaign in gear immediately.
3. Be a little more flexible on your policies, particularly your return and exchange policy. A lot of shoppers will buy early in the season (or the year), but may need to return or exchange an item after Christmas. If you have a flexible policy, shoppers are more likely to go with your company than another, more stringent brand.
4. Remind customers to get their orders in as early as possible, since bad weather can seriously slow down delivery times.
5. Consider offering a “25 Days of Christmas” sale – every day, your website can offer a new discount or deal. This will encourage customers to come back over and over again.
6. Pile on the promotions. For customers who buy in November, offer a $10 gift card for December purchases. For customers who buy before Christmas Eve, offer another gift card that can be used in January, when your shop has it’s after-Christmas sale.
7. Stay on top of your website’s analytics to find out where your customers are coming from. This’ll also help you figure out which of your marketing efforts are working and which ones need more attention.