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7 Ways Get Traffic To Yours Blog for free


After creating Blog or Website the next question for you is How to get traffic for your blog. Actually there many ways to get traffic for yours blog.  Besides you web content must unique you website must always updated. To get traffic for  your blog you can do one or all following method.

1. Submit to Search Engine

Search engine is first choice to search information on internet. There many software can be used to submit blog to Search Engine but I suggest you submit your website or blog manually. Why? because  is you use a tool to submit your website, your blog can be assumed as spam if yous often submit your blog. To submit your blog to search engine manually you can open following URL:

2. Add to blog direktori

Add your blog to blog directory such topofblog, blogranking or other. By adding your blog to directory you can get back-link from the directory so its can increase your PR.

3. Add to Internet Direktori

Registering your blog on but its not easy. Dmoz is open directory project (OPD) and it a reference other web directory and search engine. If your blog upprove when submit on Dmoz.Org you are lucky. Note: Dmoz require nice blog.

4. Advertise

You can get traffic for your blog by advertise it in other website. On on PPC advertising such as Google add word. You can advertise for free on “free classified ads”. There available a thousands free classified ads on internet. you can search them using search engine using keyword “free classified ads”

5. Joining Forum

By joining forum you can get two benefit, (1) you can get fresh information (2) You can get backlink and traffic for your blog by adding your blog URL.

6. Link exchange

Link exchange is old method but its effective to get traffic and back-link (to improve your Google page rank). You can exchange link with other blog with similar topic.

7. Write Unique Article

Write unique article can increase your position in search engine result page (SERP). If your blog using duplicate your blog will be difficult to appear on the top 10 SERP on search engine especially Google. The other, your must useful for your reader.

Posted by Fz 9 Responses

9 Responses to “7 Ways Get Traffic To Yours Blog for free”

  1. Site Tool says:

    That’s great, I never thought about 7 Ways Get Traffic To Yours Blog for free like that before.

  2. NIMS says:

    Wow, I never knew that 7 Ways Get Traffic To Yours Blog for free. That’s pretty interesting…

  3. That’s great, I never thought about 7 Ways Get Traffic To Yours Blog for free like that before.

  4. mattscradle says:

    Thanks I had done item number 1,2,4,6. I would try to register my blog to DMOZ. mattscradle

  5. gread post..thanks info

  6. budak hort says:

    Really great to know that this tips can help increase my blog traffic. But I don’t really concern about it that much as long as I can write for free.

  7. jhonty says:

    Thanks a lot, now I will use it to increase my website traffic.

  8. John Cole says:

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