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Can I quit My Job for the Sake of Blogging?


To answer the question, you can definitely quit your job. However, there are points to consider when  you feel like doing so. First thing to remember is your finances. Are you  stable enough to  support your everyday living? Do you have money to buy your daily necessities such as food and water. Can you pay your rent for the month while you look for another  income – generating job?

Should You Quit Your Job?

The second thing to ponder upon is the reason why you’re leaving your job. To help you  identify the problem, answer the following questions:

  • Are you no longer fulfilled with your job?
  • Are you uninspired every day when you go to work?
  • Are you underpaid?
  • Do you not like what you’re doing at your job?

Can I quit My Job for the Sake of Blogging

If you replied yes in all these questions, you are  definitely 100% sure that you must  quit your job. There is no use to agonize and waste your time and  energy when you can  start doing what you love most. In this case, blogging is your perfect alternative from quitting your job when you are passionate about writing.

What Do You Get From Blogging?

Lately, blogging has been an active avenue for people who want to make the most of their time  and earn money while they’re online. Definitely, it continuous to be a  competitive way  of making money  on the Internet. That is why there is a big chance that you can  eventually be more  profitable and successful when you’re blogging.

Blogging Tips for Starters

But this doesn’t go in an easy way. There should be proper preparation  before settling your own blog and gradually earn from it. Here are some of blogging tips that you should apply:

  1. Know your niche
    There are numerous of industries or fields where you find yourself interested at. Use this  as a tool to be passionate about blogging. It would also help if you are familiar and experienced when it comes to this particular niche.
  2. Establish presence online
    Having a blog doesn’t cut it from there. You have to make it visible online. You can utilize search engine optimization techniques in order to be recognizable, felt and viewed by users.
  3. Distribute your site
    The power of sharing makes something viral. Make sure that your blog has share widgets that can easily help followers  share what they’ve just read or seen  to their friends online.
  4. Post high quality content
    It always boils down to your content. What are you telling them? Is this something that they need? Is this what they have been searching for? Post contents that feed the needs of the online community.

Blogging Tips for Starters

Different Ways on How You Can Earn Through Blogging

There are so many ways on how you can earn from blogging. When you have a blog as a personal diary online. You could actually create another blog. But this time, it will be  used as an  income generator. Set up your blog for the following:

  • pay per click (PPC)
  • sponsored ads
  • Google AdSense
  • affiliate marketing
  • Ebook

Writer By:

For more information, search Kitsumi Nobu in social media marketing company New York. You can also learn about creating infographic to earn more money online.

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