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Easy Create Icon with SimplyIcon


SimplyIcon is portable icon creator and free software can be use to create icon (.ico file) from image file. To run this software  in windows need .NET Framework 2 or hogher installed in the computer and  SimplyIcon ver easy to use.


SimplyIcon generates icons in different sizes like 48 x 48 32×32, 24×24 16×16 and even 128×128 level if your source image is equal to or larger than 128×128. You can use these icon files for different purposes like for making favicons, folder or program icons etc.

How to create an icon using SimplyIcon.

To create an icon using this tool is easy after run the software you can only drag and drop an image to SimplyIcon’s windows and then the icon will be created automatically. The created  icon will be saved in the same folder of source image file.

Download SimplyIcon:

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