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Free Download AVS Video Editor 6.2


AVS Video Editor is an application all-in-one that you can use for the needs of multimedia, especially video. With it, you can do the fundamental things like video editing to move video from camcorder or digital camera to video formats were edited, effected and the like, to then burn to CD or DVD media copies.

This is the first use? No need to fret. Each function is clearly displayed with an informative interface. For example, if you want to transfer video from camcorder to a specific file format, you just enter the menu “Capture from Camera”. Or if you want to edit an existing video, just go to the menu “Import Media Files”.

Free Download AVS Video Editor 6.2

Editing eased thanks to the presence of such methods that separate the timeline between video, effects, text, and audio. so you can edit it or split one by one. Instantly, included some of the effects that can be instantly you use with how drag and drop into an existing video. If you want to make it to DVD movie format, the application also provides the option to create a menu to the chapter options.

This application also you can take advantage of to record all activities you have done by going to the menu Screen Capture, perfect if you want to make a video tutorial form. Later results recording can be saved to video formats like FLV, WMV, and AVI.

Start to use trial version, please download this application here

Posted by Fz 5 Responses

5 Responses to “Free Download AVS Video Editor 6.2”

  1. soe says:

    willing to send me this template to Meil me or give me a new link for download,, I am very grateful mas fz (template used now)

    sudi mengirim saya template ini ke meil saya atau beri saya link baru untuk download,,saya sangat berterima kasih mas fz (template yang digunakan sekarang)

  2. soe says:

    I am very grateful mas fz, I mean willing to send me a theme or download link for the theme that mr. use the reloaded version now if not wrong / tumbanail, as the info: info post on his big, sponsor box appears in front, then its related article appears under the image (not text) .. thanks much love mas fz
    NB: exactly the same as the theme in use today fz mas

    saya sangat berterima kasih mas fz, maksud saya sudi mengirim saya theme atau link download untuk theme yang mr. gunakan sekarang versi reloaded kalau gak salah/tumbanail, sebagai info: info post tanggal nya besar, kotak sponsornya muncul di depan, trus related article nya muncul di bawah secara gambar (bukan tulisan).. terima banyak kasih mas fz
    NB: persis sama dengan thema yang di pakai mas fz saat ini
    boleh minta alamat YM nya mas

  3. soe says:

    mas fz bisa bantu saya beri link atau rekom lain,, untuk saya tema “versi reloaded” nya, yang mas fz pakai sekarang,, terima kasih sebelum nya,,

  4. Fz says:

    Hi Soe

    Please check your email


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