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Speed up Firefox with SpeedyFox


There are some way to speed up firefox setting. One of the way using software. One of the software can be used to optimize firefox setting is SpeedyFox. Firefox uses the SQLite database to store settings and other important things (a database for “profile”). SpeedyFox just compact the database. Database = small = Firefox faster. The speedup that occurs after you use SpeedyFox will vary depending on how long you used the specific profile that you intend to speed up Firefox with SpeedyFox. Most of us never created custom profiles, so often there is only one profile (the “default”).


How to use SpeedyFox

Using SpeedyFox is (almost) simple and no instalation require, its way

  • Close Firefox, if you have it open
  • Run SpeedyFox
  • Select the profile you want to speed up (most of us will only have one profile, if so, leave it at “default”).
  • Click on “Speed Up My Firefox” button to optimize firefox setting

SpeedyFox can be downloaded from the following link

Download SpeedyFox

Posted by Fz 1 Response

One Response to “Speed up Firefox with SpeedyFox”

  1. I always hate the slow startup speed of Firefox. It is sometimes even slower than Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome. Firefox 3.5 has addressed the statup speed issue a bit, but its still not very satisfactory. I hope this freeware can address that.


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