The Benefits of Higher Education in the Social Media Industry
If you work in the social media industry, the amount of experience you possess is very important. Since you can gain a lot of this experience on the job or by spending time freelancing, many people don’t think about pursuing higher education to work in social media marketing. But graduate school is about more than just learning how to do a job. The knowledge and experience you gain through higher education will enrich your career in many other unexpected ways.
You’ll Make More Money
Though it variesĀ depending on job and degree type, those who earn master’s degrees typically make more money than those who don’t. While pursuing a master’s in biology probably won’t help you with a social media career (unless your passion is to work as a biology blogger!), higher education in areas like business, marketing, or finance will qualify you for better positions, which means you have the potential to earn more money.
A Masters Relating to Business Gives You Edge
Even if your job and career goals relate to working directly with social media, you might want to consider pursuing a master’s degree in something on the management or business side of things. Attending business school gives you the tools to help the company grow and to rise higher in the ranks. Not only will you be competent at using social media, you’ll also possess business savvy and leadership qualities. A business or management degree will qualify you for promotions to upper management positions.
You Know What You Want From Your Career
Since so much of the social media industry is based on experience gleaned in the field, you have the opportunity to spend a few years working before deciding you want to pursue graduate school. After spending time in the industry, your career goals will become clearer, which will help you decide exactly what kind of degree to get. It also means you’ll be more involved in shaping your education, since you’ll have specific learning goals and skills you want to take away from the experience.
School Widens Your Network
From professors who become mentors to internship opportunities that introduce you to new connections, graduate school provides you with countless networking opportunities. Not only are you learning from people who may be able to guide you in the industry in the future, you’re in class with peers who share your interests and will be working in the same field as you. Once you graduate, any number of these new connections may turn into opportunities. Plus, the more connections you have, the easier it is to expand your network.
Having a master’s degree or higher helps you to stand out among applicants during the interview process. Your devotion to your career and field is clear. In such a competitive job market, any edge is worthwhile. Plus, you have the opportunity to shape your social media career depending on what kind of higher education you pursue. More knowledge and experience will help you move up and achieve your career goals.