Tricks Theme V2 BlogSpot Version Available for Download
After release Tricks themes V2 WordPress version, Tricks collections theme V2 BlogSpot version now available for download.
Like the “tricks theme v2” wordpress version, on blogspot version have almost the same features such as social bookmarking buttons, related post, favicon ready, etc and on the blogspot version also Adsense ready.
If you need a Adsense ready template for blogspot is you can download this template. I’ve embed adsense code on this template and you can replace with your Adsense code and this template also has two versions are with the logo and without logo.
How to Upload this template to blogspot:
- Login to blogspot Account
- Click “Layout” on the blog that will be replaced by this theme.
- Click “Edit HTML”. Select the template by clicking browse and click Upload.
Tips setting to show comment form on you blog if using this Template
Be make sure to setting your blogspot blog like the following tips to make this theme appear properly in your blog when installing this theme.
- Click “Setting” the select “comment” Tab
- On “Comments” check show
- Select “Embedded below post“ on “Comment Form Placement”
- On “Show profile images on comments “ select no
- Save the setting
Tips Replace Adsense code on this template:
- Layout, edit HTML
- Check mark “Expand Widget Templates ”
- Replace Adsense code between “<div class=’topadsense’> and </div>”. Setting Color for this Adsense “background=#FFFFFF, link=#666666”
- Replace Adsense code between “<!– start adsense content top –> and <!– end adsense content top –>””
- You must parse the adsense code before inserted into the template.
Tips for template with Logo version template
- You can replace the Logo on this template by replacing path of logo on “h1.logo a”
Tips if Using 125x125px banner
- Add Text/HTML gadget to the sidebar then create this DIV tag: “<div class=’sponsor’><div>” in the gadget
- Copy 125×125 banner code betwen the TAG
Template without logo version: Download | View Demo
Template with logo version: Download |View Demo
Download link for newest version tricks 2 blogger skin: Tricks 2 blogspot skin logo version: download and nologo version: download
What new in the new version?
- Fixed bug in blogger page, now in blogger page show full content.
- Category/Label automatic split into two column like newest version of tricks 2 theme WP version.
- Fixed thumbnail if no image displayed
Note: if you use old version, upgrade it to the newest version. If you use newest version please change the meta keyword and description in the tricks 2 blogger skin.
92 Responses to “Tricks Theme V2 BlogSpot Version Available for Download”
Very nice theme! Thanks for sharing 😉
Your demo site’s with logo & without logo has been interchanged. Please have a look. It seems a type error :).
@Khadeer, thank for your corrections. I have fixed the link 😀
very nice, thanks for sharing… i will try make this template to my blog..thanks
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in prolog.
Help me thak you!
@Tuan, Thanks you for your info. I’ll fix the problem immediately
thanks ur sharing .. pls tell me how I remove posted by … name .. I edited blog layer out but it not removing. I think need to edit some code..
@buddhika, You can remove the code beetwen <div class='info'> …. </div> to manually remove “Posted by.. “, “Comment”, etc
How can I changed my Logo? .Please help.
@Himanshu, you create using logo maker or photosop. Maximal logo size is 350px X 75px. save it as PNG or GIF or other format and upload it in free image hosting (my favorit is photobucket)
Next, after uploaded your logo, change the backgroung url path is “h1.logo a”
thanks for themes
Thank for your themes.. !! 😀
Great Theme, But Where is the theme Template with logo version such as demo version on ?
I see the download file is not same, can you give me the template such as on ?
@Mytechlife, I have modified the template a few days ago. I’ll upload the modified template immediately
Thanks for fast Respon, I’ll wait the new one
Can you upload blogspot skin as ?
Many Thanks
@Michael and all, I hope can upload the modified version immediately but at this time the modified version not 100% finish
Great theme. After I download theme, it’s different with the demo. I really love the demo version at
I’m waiting for so long theme as demo version
Still not finished? why not just download template.xml from blogger then upload?
Many Thanks
@Michael, Sorry for the late response. I have upload the modified version on mediafire. YOu can download the modified version from the download link above
fz; sorry for my last post, i didn’t knew that you’ve allready made the blogspot version
thank’s for sharing
Hi.. today i notice that one of the image that host on photobucket has bandwidth exceeded.. how to fix this issue ? Thanks
@Michael, To solve the problem you can upload all images that using with this theme to your image file hosting.
this bg url eror :'( please review this template!! bg url
@arseg, This is not error, the problem I save the bg image in photobucket and now the bandwidth limit
Hi.. today i notice that one of the image that host on photobucket has bandwidth exceeded.. how to fix this issue ? Thanks
what all ll images that using i want to use my image h0sting, thank
@Mediasiana, you can download the images here:
im using this template…..
and already upgrade with the modified version
like it so much….
i used this template,.very awesome 🙂 thanks
very nice themes. . . thank’s for share… 🙂
i like this themes, i will use this themes
.how to show the blog posts date on the modified version of the theme..
i applied it on my blog but the posts dates doesn’t show..
hi.. im using this template, i find some problem.
in single post how to delete “Adsense Content. recommended 336 X 300 ” and “Adsense Content. bottom of article “.. thanks
@Autoand, see the replaced adsense section in the article above
nice themes, i will used this theme to my blog..thanks
thx for sharing mybro 🙂
i’ve downloaded it ^^
Hi, brother, your template so interesting, i using it now, but i’m still love the template like the demo, i don’t like the font of modified template and still have bugs, check my site brother, thank you 🙂
hi admin(fz),
is there any way to add “you may also like this” option to this,can you please help me..?
hi, i’m using your tricks theme for blogger. but i have problem: why if i’m open a page (i.e not full open a page, but only a resume. how to fix it?
thankyou verymuch. 🙂
@vin chand, you can contact me via contact form page above if you are interested to obtain the share style
@restandri, you can contact me via contact form to get the fix version. The old there are bug is “blogger page”
Hey Admin [FZ] please Modify Link Download in TC Theme new version , cause link download is error detcted .. (Modified Version) . Realease and Repair link Master 😀
Thanks for you template, i use your template for my blog
I love this theme, I have use it for one of my blog. But there is an error now, with your photobucket images.
PLEASE fix it i want to use it again. Thanks
@Faeyz, it not error. it caused the bandwidth exceeded on my photobucket account
thanks, template is very good. Ramah seo.
in demo version. i really like goolge custom search in page.
but i can’t do it 🙁
its not work. i can’t add javascript into pagae
can you help me ?
Hello !
Your Theme is Very Simple,Lite and Awesome…..I m using it own my blog .. today i see some bugs on it.Please Fix Bandwidth Limit Problem or upload image on another hosting so we will edit html and replace images Links
Hello FZ!
i Fix it myself…Please check and tell me if i wrong….
i love this theme…so i i fix it myself
@gamini, you can contact me via contact form, maybe I can help you to solve the problem. Check also my previous post about it here: add adsense search to blog
Hello Fz, i love this theme. how to change the Menu? how to fix it?
@Aan S Arkadiea, you can change the code between <div class='menu'> and </div> manually to change the menu
Hello FZ, how to create Breadcrumb and put it under navigation menu? like on this blog. I’m use Blogger and I use your template.
@Adzka Mumtaz, there are most tutorial about it in internet. You can search the tutorial how to add breadcrumb in blogspot on Google.
how to create Breadcrumb like on this blog….
@adibey, you can contact me if you want the breadcrumb like this blog
Hello Admin FZ,, i want ask u.. why your new updated template have navbar ??
how to remove it.. ?
@Azis, to delete the blogspot navbar you can add a small css code to your blog. Fr complete tutorial you can searhcing it in google or read the tutorial from bloggerplugins.or here:
wow, Like this Template… Alllow Me for download…
nice template bro, thanks for informastion..
nice this template. i like this
link is broken… I cant download the template… Please pix the link 😀
nice templete
very useful for me, using in my blog
thanks you
very good template thanks brad !
nice template fz,,thanks brother
izin coba templat nya gan…. sebelum ny thanks bgt sudah share 😉
Nice templete {theme}.
very nice templete..but why theres no posting date, no number of comment and sharing button as demo ?
terimakasih bgt ni gan,, tampilan blog ane makin mantap n keren stelah pake temlate ini
jangan lupa kunjungan balik nya ya 🙂
ijin gw pake ini template ya bro, bagus… keren
ijin sedot bro… thx dah share
Best template, thankz
Thanks banget nih Pak,….!!
bagus banget templatenya. Bisa bikin blog aru lagi nih….!!!
terima kasih, matur suwun…..!
makasih byk bwt temanya,, mau nanya nih admin,, kan jumlah postingnya mau ditampilin 8, kok kalo di klik menu home,, cuman muncul 4 ya.. biar penuh semua kyk yg di gambar itu gmn admin..
terima kasih banyak
Hi.. today i notice that one of the image that host on photobucket has bandwidth exceeded.. how to fix this issue ? Thanks
Template yang bagus… izin coba ya.. Semoga web saya jadi ramai di kunjungi 😉
Kok kalau saya ngedownload di 4shared selalu invalid link yah mas ?
Template yang menjadi koleksi kesukaan saya dari dulu. Thanks mas.
update lagi dong
di blog ku eror kayaknya nggak support deh
link download sudah hilang om
up date lagi dong
link dowload sudah hilang. Silahkan dibenerkan
this template is very awesome.
but please fix the categories and related posts the picture has expired.
More Power thank you!
nice template..thankz Brdr
Hi, I appreciated your kind to share this nice template
please help,
I wanna try this trick-theme V2 (both logo or not)
but the file can’t be found at 4shared
can u just send directly to my email please?
Template yang menjadi koleksi kesukaan saya dari dulu. Thanks mas.
please fix the categories and related posts the picture has expired.
thank you in advance
thank you for template
Nice template, thank you
i want to ask, why in mobile version the side bar is blank?
nice the sharing. It’s a cool template, thak’s 4 sharing
here my blog, but I am the newest with the blog
love this trick theme design. thanks so much for sharing..