Tweak Registry of Windows XP to Make it Fast
One of the way to improve windows XP performance is by tweaking registry entry. But for beginner user it risk to edit registry entry because wrong tweaking windows registry can be cause Windows XP error, before tweak the registry backup your registry before change registry setting. This tutorial no recommended for beginner user.
1. Quickening to access Folder (disable Last Access Update).
If you have many folder and subdirectories, hence accessing to directory of Windows XP felt very slow. By update time stamp in the registry can improve access to directory.
- Open registry editor Start- Run – regedit
- Go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | System | CurrentControlSet | Control | FileSystem”
- Create new ‘DWORD Value’
- Give the name ‘NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate’ to the new ‘DWORD Value’
- Right click at ‘NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate’ and selsect modify.
- Change the value to ‘1’
- Click OK
2. Speed-Up Boot Time
One of the good feature of Windows XP is ability to defrag when in course of booting. Boot Defrag principle arrange relevant file with booting alternately. By default this feature have been activated at some build Windows, but some build windows not active. it is better if us check to the feature.
- Open registry editor
- Navigate to Registry key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | Microsoft | Dfrg | BootOpt imizeFunction
- In the right pane, Right Click Mouse at “Enable” then Click Modify
- Select “Y to enable”
3. Speed-Up Loading Windows XP Menu
This tweak lessen delay time when clicking menu and windows XP show the Menu.
- Open registry editor
- Go to : HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Control Panel | Desktop
- Select “MenuShowDelay”
- Righ Click and select “Modify’ then type “0”
4. Improve windows Xp shutdown speed
This Tweaking lessen lay time automatically when windows have accepted instruction to shutdown.
- Open registry editor
- Go to : HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Control Panel | Desktop |’
- Modify “WaitToKillAppTimeout”, alter value of becoming smaller, for example 1000. Then Click Ok.
- Modify “HungAppTimeout”, Change the value to 100 the Click Ok.
5. Disable animation
Disable Animation will lessen usage of computer resource.
- Open registry editor.
- Navigate to : HKEY_CURENT_USER | control panel | desktop | window metrics |.
- Double Click “min animate” the alter the calue to “0”.
6. Cleaning dll from ram
- Open registry editor
- Go to : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | software | microsoft | windows | current version | explorer
- Click Edit – New – Key and change the name “AlwaysUnloadDLL”, then Modify fill the value to 1.
7. Re-Setting Prefetcher.
This feature is unique in the Windows XP, that is re- setting folder cache in the Windows XP. Re- Setting will lessen boot time and needed to time program loading.
- Click Start Menu – Run – Regedit
- Go to : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | Contro l | SessionManager | MemoryManagement | PrefetchParamete rs | EnablePrefetcher
- There 3 choice that is 0-Disable, 1-App launch prefetch, 2-Boot Prefetch, 3-Both (“3” 3 is which recommended.).
8. Enable Auto end task
- Open registry editor.
- Goto : HKEY_CURRENT_USER | control panel | desktop.
- Click 2x “AutoEndTask”, and change the value becoming 1.
9. Optimize Performance of Memory
- Regedit
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | system | current control set | control | session manager | memory management
- Double Click at Dword value “disable paging executive” replace by 1.
10. Improve NTFS Cache
- Open registry editor
- Navigate to : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | system | current control set | control | file system
- Create New-Dword value and change the name “NtfsMftZoneReservation”
- And Modify the value and replace by 2
Disclaimer: Modifying the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. We cannot guarantee that problems resulting from modifications to the registry can be solved. Use the information provided at your own risk.