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U.S. Launches Anti-Piracy Program for Music and Movies


New anti-piracy system immediately applied in the United States. The system is known by the nickname “six attacks” it is from the film and music industry. They are the most abundant group ploughed through the internet service.

The Program will use the system warning and can slow down or cancel your internet connection, but the user who allegedly committed the hijacking will not lose access to pages that are currently open.

Most internet communities and activists call the program was extremely broken and warned that the system would be considered unjust by most internet users.

U.S. Launches Anti-Piracy Program for Music and Movies

The coordination of the application of the system was conducted by the information Center Copyright and was created by the music industry and the film together and the five biggest internet provider in the us.

“We hope this partnership approach, which uses all stakeholders, being an example of the problem faced by all parties involved in the entertainment ecosystem,” said Jill Lasser, Executive Director of the Center for copyright information.

Lesser said that the program “is intended to educate the public rather than punitive and direct (to customers)”.

He added that those who got the warning by mistake, can easily file the appeal process and will have independent reviews.

Critics call the attack will probably affect other innocent users.

“It’s a complicated system,” said Corynne McSherry of digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation.

“Maybe there will be innocent people who got hooked on this system,” he said.

Another problem, according to McSherry, is all about the lack of openness in the system, as was done by the private sector, so it can’t be taken as law.

Internet customers face the consequences based on the allegations, said McSherry.

Other activists even more harsh in his criticism of the launch.

“Your ISP Immediately spied on, and your internet ruffled at the request of Hollywood,” so loud on Twitter from a group calling itself Fight for the Future.

Through the new system that they can slow down internet access even close it only on the grounds of copyright infringement.

The Foundation of innovation and information technology, a group of thinkers in Washington called the program an example for copyright protection without being too inhibited users of internet and innovation.

Five internet providers who participate in the program are Comcast, Time Warner Cable, AT & T, Cablevision  and Verizon–which includes 85 percent of U.S. customers.

The companies on this week began broadcasting details of the security measures.

Comcast announced on its website, “A warning system gradually starts later evolved into the mitigation warning will ask customers to contact the company, but that program will not be closed.”

Verizon said it would implement a “temporary reduction in internet speed for two-three days for customers who receive at least five warnings”.

Cablevision “your internet access may be suspended temporarily”.

Meanwhile AT & T stated customers will be asked to perform additional steps to open the online material must be accompanied by the award of copyright.

Ben olson from AT T & said most customers will give a positive response when receiving the first warning, so it is not necessary the next warning.

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