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Facebook “Like” Could Have Expressed Private Users


Symbol thumbs to show “Like” on Facebook can be revealing personal views of users of social media sites about politics and religion until the possibility of divorce and their sexual orientation, according to research at the University of Cambridge and Microsoft Research.

A study of 58,000 United States Facebook users reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that highlights the strengths and risks digital demographics that frequently became the reference for advertisers online.

Facebook Like Could Have Expressed Private Users

“People who share the ‘Like’ don’t realize they’re sharing personal issues,” said University of Cambridge psychologist, Michal Kosinski, as quoted in The Wall Street Journal.

“Predictions based on ‘Like’ is very smooth and gives many hints at the personal level,” said Konsinski, who led the study.

The researchers also used the demographic profile, a detailed questionnaire behavior, and psychological test to its volunteers research and then associate it with “Like” is posted volunteers in a social networking page.

They designed the program a program to see if it could predict patterns of personal information about a group of people in a data which is solely based on the pattern of “Like”.

Note the Facebook “Like” in some ways as accurate personality test, the researchers said.

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