UK Road Accident Facts Relating to Youth
In the UK the facts relating to accident fatalities on the roads are very reliable as unlike some other countries. The majorities of accidents, including personal accidents related to drinking and driving, are usually related to the police. There is usually some discrepancy as the numbers provided by hospitals and medical treatment centres usually suggest a higher number of casualties.
This is probably due to the fact that some accidents are not reported if the damage to the vehicle or property is considered minor or if no one is significantly hurt and there is no fatality. The facts indicate that young drivers and especially young male drivers are involved in more accidents than any other group of individuals.
This is very unfortunate news for the young males in the society. This indicates that they are more in danger of losing their lives, being injured in a motor vehicle collision, and taking the lives of other passengers or bystanders. Road accident fatalities in the UK are responsible for the largest amount of deaths among the youth. This fact is not unique to the UK, but is also true for most other parts of the world that is not at war.
Young people often continue their search for thrills and adventure on the roads travelling at high speeds, which of course puts them more at risk than older folks. Adolescents in their late teens and young adults in their early twenties are very susceptible to the suggestions and influence of their friends to look and act cool.
There are several contributing factors. One factor is the fact that young people often display very risky behaviour on the roads and often use poor judgement when making decisions on the best and safest course of actions to take. The list of the most popular offenses among youth include, overtaking, speeding, operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, driving without a license, and the popular no seat belt.
Peer pressure also seems to play a role in the risky behaviour displayed by youth as is evidenced by the UK road accident facts. This results in drinking and driving and not wearing seat belts.
It does not help that this age group loves to travel in groups. The number of people riding in a single vehicle are usually higher than the average. This means more likelihood of injury or the chance of fatality in an accident. It also means more distractions and pressure on the driver to make sound decisions and concentrate on driving.
Young people of course are also new at driving and have a high level of inexperience because usually they have only been driving for a few years in most cases. The combination of youth, inexperience, and reckless behaviour is a sure recipe for disaster. The UK road accident facts show why young drivers attract higher insurance premiums.
If you or someone you know has been the victim of one of these types of accidents contact the team at Priority Legal for legal advice.
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Khai writes for