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Angel Wristbands Help Users Live a Healthier Life


An Angel to Watch Over You

As the abilities of our technology increase, so does our potential to live healthier lives. Never in history have we had so much information regarding our own health at the very tips of our fingers. From the number of calories we are burning in a single hour to the body mass index that we maintain over varying lengths of time, the numbers and the hardware bringing us these numbers is consistently making headway on the path to a healthier life.

Angel Wristbands Help Users Live a Healthier Life

A Valuable Newcomer

The latest equipment to be released in this vein of development is the Angel wristband. There certainly have been wristbands released in the past that were designed to feed us our vitals as we exercised or went about our day. However, the Angel wristband differs from every other product that has preceded it. From the very inception of the idea, the wristband was designed to center around innovation. Its creators set to work to make this a reality by creating the first open-source device of its kind. Although it is still under development, its abilities only have the sky as their limit.

A dedicated Partner in Moving Forward

The Angel keeps track of a huge variety of data as you move throughout your daily routine. It provides observation 24 hours a day for all seven days of the week. This data includes calorie and weight management, monitoring of sleep patterns, precise tracking of all physical activities, and vital signs. This information can be sent to any number of locations that the user chooses. Smart devices, laptops, and support Apps are all at your disposal. Where the Angel wristband takes a dramatic departure from the competition is in its ability to incorporate new software that is currently and will be under development in the future. In other words, any medical device that takes advantage of digital capabilities can be automatically put to your advantage. This ability means that there is an end in sight when it comes to constantly having to buy the latest health-related hardware simply to gain a few minor new functions.

Health is Everyone’s Concern

Virtually any software developer on the planet can access the Angel platform and make contributions. All that is required is bluetooth. The entire system is run on open-source platforms and SDK systems. Users of the Angel can gain access to their health stats from anywhere on earth thanks to the Web API that is available through the Angel website. The future of health has never been so full of possibilities with only the use of one simple device.

Limitless Features

The depth of the information on one’s health that this device can collect is impressive as well. It measures even the most basic aspects of the body such as temperature but can be as specific as measuring oxygen levels in the user’s blood stream. The band comes in a huge variety of colors and its is durable as well as comfortable. Consolidate the hardware that you depend on for health by placing your trust in this one fantastic device. The Angel wristband is truly opening the doors to health innovation without limiting users simply based on trademarks and domineering platform design. Getting in on the health revolution is as easy as placing an advanced order or making a small donation to the development of this worthy endeavor.

About the author: 

John Chupon is an author and recognized authority on wristbands, currently working for which sells Tyvek, plastic, and custom wristbands.

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