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Automatically Hardisk Defragmenter in Windows XP


If you leave computer, to eat or to toilet for example, seen that computer don’t any activity, even indicator CPU usage in Task Manager show number 1 or 0 %. PC will await till you return and give comand to do something.

at the time of computer not be used, real all components work full. For example, Harddisk, remain to rotate though there no any activity. That movement require electrics so the electrics keep pouring in with energy do not far differ. Really an extravagance of energy.

Than electrics used without effect, You make harddisk to automatically defrag, like this you also will time-saving because not excessively to run Disk Defragmenter.

Following steps to be optimal of harddisk :

  1. Click Start – Run then type regedit
  2. go to subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ OptimalLayout
  3. Create a new DWORD value by right click mouse at starboard of window, then choose New DWORD Value. Giving the name of the New DWORD with EnableAutoLayout
  4. Double click EnableAutoLayout
  5. Change its data value with value 1
  6. Click O.K
  7. Close Registry Editor and restart PC to take effect

Neglectless. Altering registry can cause windows error

Posted by Fz 2 Responses

2 Responses to “Automatically Hardisk Defragmenter in Windows XP”

  1. sergeant says:

    I too prefer to automate the task, but scheduling it hasnt helped, so I’m onto a popular automatic defrag software which has plenty of options, set to run in background/run individual defrags, also does the MFT, Page file etc. Very cool and worth the price. And, yes it also has a nice GUI.

  2. longbean says:

    Would it works on a limited access environment, such as at the office where domain users have a limited access


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