You probably know that Apple sold a lot of iPhones in the past. Even the latest model - the iPhone 5 - sold millions of units each and every week, especially after it was first released. What you might not realize is everything Apple had to go through to make sure they could produce enough smartphones to keep up with the demand.
A lot of Apple's hardware is actually produced in Asia where the labor is a lot less expensive. Just imagine the... [ Continue reading... ]
The Audio Jack on the iPhone has become More Useful.
You know you can plug headphones into your iPhone, of course, but did you know that there are many other things that can easily interact with your smartphone by using the audio jack? We're going to go over some of the crazier things you can connect to your mobile to make it even more useful and fun. The extra usefulness comes at a price, of course, but for many the ability to make their... [ Continue reading... ]
Think you're getting sick? If you have an iPhone and the right apps, you may not have to wonder anymore. Quite a few mobile apps have been developed that help diagnose illnesses in people so that they don't have to go to their doctor cluelessly. While apps have been created to remind people when to take vitamins and medicine, the new ones are going even further in helping people.
Popular Apps to Diagnose Illness
Here's a look at some specific... [ Continue reading... ]
Bluetooth is wireless technology that allows you to exchange data over short distances, while using short wavelength radio transmissions. It was invented in 1994 and it was originally conceived as a wireless alternative to RS-232 data cables. Also, Bluetooth allows you to connect several devices at once – which can overcome problems associated with synchronization.
The chances are that your mobile phone, if it is relatively new and... [ Continue reading... ]
One Click to Enter and Exit iOS Recovery Mode
With one click, you can enter or exit iPhone Recovery Mode? Do you believe it? Maybe for many people, they know that to enter or exit iPhone recovery mode is holding “Home” and “Power button for some seconds then release what … Such as this.
Yes. This is the way Apple tells you to enter and exit iPhone Recovery Mode. Now the good news is that you can abandon the traditional steps and... [ Continue reading... ]
iTunes Asking for Password Repeatedly or Forgot/Lost iPhone Backup Password
User’s question: “I am upgrading my iPhone 4 to iOS 7. I backed up my phone and downloaded and installed iOS 7. I am now going through the setup process and it is at the "Restore from iTunes Backup" step. I connect to iTunes and iTunes is prompting me for a password to "unlock your iPhone backup file." No I did not encrypt the iPhone backup, nor is it or was it... [ Continue reading... ]
As we all know, iTunes can back up your settings, Messages, Camera Roll, documents, saved games, and other data from iPhone 5S, 5C, 5, 4S and lower versions, every time you sync iPhone with iTunes, the content in the backup will be update to the latest sync. However, iTunes backup is a type of file that we can’t read or write directly. It is a pleasant surprise that Tenorshare iTunes Data Recovery enables iPhone users to do something on iTunes... [ Continue reading... ]