How to Search Software Resetter for Printer in the Internet
When I see the keyword on my blog statistic. I found keyword in my Blog like “download ssc utility for canon pixma”, “general tool epson printer”, “mptool for epson”, “adjprog.exe for canon”, etc. In the reality many keywords disagree about the printer type.
Following there are some tips to search software resetter or service manual for printer :
- Searching of software resetter matching with your printer. Example : To search resetter software for Canon printer, you can use keyword “general tool for canon”, “mptool for canon MP”, “IPTool for canon IP”, don’t search software resetter for canon use keyword “ssc utility for canon” or “sscserve for canon” because “sscserve” or “ssc utility” or“adjprog.exe” only used for the epson printer. For epson Printer you can use keyword “adjprog.exe for epson”, “adjustment program for epson”, “sscserve” or “ssc utility”.
- If you don’t know the name of software for your printer, you can use common searching keyword for example : “resetter for canon printer”, “resetter for epson printer”, “service manual HP Laserjet” or “service manual All in One Printer”
- For more specific searching is you have to write down type of your printer. For example “epson c79 adjustment program download” or “canon printer resetter ip1880 download” or “Service manual for Epson c90”.
- If you cannot find resetter for your printer type, you can search resetter appropriate for the cartridge type in your printer, for example “HP 21 reset”, “PG-40 or CL-41 reset”.
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