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New Google Search Engine


New version of google se4arch engine under development, This possibility to anticipate Bing search engine which people say will be joined with Yahoo.

When I try the newest version of google search engine, although appearance of the search engine not differ with the old version but there are some new that is that is can search quicker and real times.

I do searching with keyword “tricks-collections”, in new version of google search engine take a times 0.09 second while in old google search engine take a time 0.13 second.

to try new google search engine Open here.

Posted by Fz 5 Responses

5 Responses to “New Google Search Engine”

  1. riyan fiter says:

    That great…n fastly

  2. Jessica Bailey says:

    i still frequently use Google despite the appearance and popularity of the Bing search engine*;*

  3. i would have to say that Google is slightly better than Bing search engine-*`

  4. Bar Fridge ยท says:

    well, you can never get wrong wether you use Bing or Google, they are both very good search engines ‘

  5. rud says:

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