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Role Of Alloy Beams In Modern Scaffolding


Modern scaffolding has undergone a sea change. It now uses material that is lightweight and yet durable. It also offers a lot of ease while constructing or dismantling. The role played by alloy beams in this respect deserves special mention. These are used to meet a variety of scaffolding needs such as bridging scaffolds, suspended platform scaffolds, roofing, staging, and lighting.

Why is alloy better than pure iron?

There is no doubt that choosing alloy beams over those made of pure iron is always a great decision. The reasons for this are many. First of all, structurally the atoms of iron slide over each other pretty easily. This makes it too brittle a metal. However, things change when it is mixed with another element. When this mixing happens, the atoms of iron cannot slide as easily as before.

The different sizes of the atoms of different elements prevent this from happening. This in turn changes the inherent quality of the final alloy, making it more durable, stronger, harder, and more resistant to corrosion. The alloy thus produced has far wider usability than iron itself.

Role Of Alloy Beams In Modern Scaffolding

Why should you use aluminium alloy beams in scaffolding?

Alloy beams combine within themselves the two spectacular qualities. Firstly, they are very light and secondly, they are strong. Both these make such beams excellent for building bigger and taller constructions, even with the use of comparatively lesser raw material.

What alloy beams should you buy?

Looking at the advantages that these beams promise along with its versatility, it is important to make it suitable for use in as many applications as possible. The good news is, alloy beams are available in a variety of sizes and are compatible with a wide variety of tubes and fittings.

Since these beams are used in scaffolding, it is important to buy the ones that conform to the highest standards. For instance, the beams that are manufactured according to the European Standard BS 8118; Part1: 1991. These hi-load aluminium beams are manufactured from high grade Aluminium tube 6082 –T6 and are also compatible with tube and fittings.

There are also Universal Connection Spigots. The 450mm deep scaffolding beams are available in three different sizes. These are 4.1 metres, 6.1 metres, and 8.1 metres. Generally, aluminium tubes are available in 6 metre length. However, if you need a shorter tube, a dealer can cut it to suit your need, at no extra cost.

Once you understand the importance of alloy beams, chances are you would want to buy these before the next need of scaffolding arises. However, make sure that you purchase these only after carefully considering the quality and safety standards. Always remember that your choice will have a direct bearing upon the safety of the workers as well as the work environment.

Thanks to the internet, you can now do more extensive research in considerably less amount of time. The next step is to simply choose a trustworthy online retailer and place your order. For this last bit you can count upon the Mega Trade Store. Visit their website for product and contact details.

Thee is an excellent Scaffolding Safety guide over at the BBC, please make sure you are safe when you are using scaffolding

About the author:
Lee Elwell works for Megatradestore and is the Scaffolding Safety Consultant  you can add him on Google Plus here

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