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Tips n Tricks and Tweak Registry for Internet Explorer 8 (IE8)


Tip tweak registry setting for IE8 to increase connections limit and move the menu bar position. This registry tweak useful if you use faster internet connections or you want love menu style on previous version internet explorer.

1. Increase Connection Limits

By default, the number of files can be download simultaneously in Internet Explorer 8 is limited to 6, but you can increase number internet connection  up to 10 at one times.  it’s useful if you use faster internet connections.

To increase the number of files that can be downloaded simultaneously to 10 in Internet Explorer 8, Follow this steps:

  1. Open registry editor.
  2. Got this entry: “HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Internet Settings”
  3. Find and Double click Dword entry called “MaxConnectionsPerServer” and “MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server”.   Change the value to 10.  If the entry not found create one.
  4. Close registry editor and restart your computer to take effect.

Once you have completed the above steps, you should be able to download 10 files simultaneously by using Internet Explorer 8.

2. Move the Menu Bar above the Address Bar

Default, address bar in Internet Explorer 8 is appeared in bottom of adress bar. You can move IE8 menu bar to be appeared on top of address bar, you can do it with simple registry hack.

  1. Open registry editor.
  2. Go to this regestry key: “HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Internet Explorer | Toolbar | WebBrowser”.
  3. In the right pane double click dword entry named “ITBar7Position” and change the value to “1” (default value is 0).
  4. Close the registry editor and restart your computer.
Posted by Fz 4 Responses

4 Responses to “Tips n Tricks and Tweak Registry for Internet Explorer 8 (IE8)”

  1. says:

    good info mail me more please

  2. Razel says:

    i love Internet Explorer 8 because it is so much stable that the previous versions of IE. IE7 sometimes freezes and causes blue screens on my PC.

  3. kinary says:

    if u wanna tweak ur internet connection ,u should use dsl speed, it’s a efficient way to boost on line speed

  4. Bob's Blitz says:

    IE8 is exactly why we never update Internet Explorer Browsers. You cannot keep the drop down menu without auto-complete. How stupid is that MSN?


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