Beautifying Windows XP Desktop Using Yahoo! Widget
Many ways to beautify your windows desktop, that is with installing themes or installing desktop’s accesories like windows gadget ( widget). One of the widget can be used to beautify dektop is yahoo! widget. Yahoo! Widget is freeware software. Using yahoo widget you can make appearance desktop of windows like windows vista or MAC OS. there is thousands of widgets free the availableness in the Yahoo! Widget Gallery.
Hereunder 5 example’s of widget :
- iTunes Remote Control: With form like iPhone, this widgets can arrange iTunes from your desktop. With user-friendly design, this is favorite “
- Yahoo! Weather: Making you can choose location every town in the world, and predict weather during 5 day from and automatically update. Showing weather predict and weather now, speed of wind, dampness, sunrise and embeded “
- Calender: Very simple Widget and joined forces with other widget, Day Planner, functioning to arrange and note schedule for several days “
- Digital Clock: Other Widget which is simple to be. Provided with alarm with sound which earn to be arranged to like you, order semi-transparan in your dekstop.
- Picture Frame: Widget the goodness for the frieze of your desktop. You can add flickr photo and Yahoo! Photos in picture frame. You can upload the photo use this and edit the photo.
Download Yahoo gadget from this link: Download the widget
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