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Why Your Startup Needs to Prioritize Social and Mobile


Within the last two years, social and mobile have become almost synonymous with each other. This is mostly because the majority of social media activity is generated through mobile devices. So, then, when a company strategizes for social community marketing, they in turn must strategize for mobile marketing as well.

The State of Mobile

Every year, mobile gains more and more dominance over the digital world and has succeeded in replacing desktop for organic searches. According to We Are Social’s Digital, Social & Mobile in 2015 report, there are currently 2,078 billion active social media accounts, 3,649 billion unique mobile users, and 1,685 billion active mobile social account users. The amount of mobile social media users increased by 23% in 2014 alone, and mobile web searches in general increased by 31%.

Why Your Startup Needs to Prioritize Social and Mobile

What’s more, their research discovered that the number of active mobile connections surpassed the total world population in December 2014. It’s safe to say that mobile is the most significant contender in marketing platforms. In fact, as of March 2015 with Google’s new Mobile Friendly algorithm in place, the success of a company’s website now heavily depends on how mobile friendly it is. It has therefore become detrimental for a business, in this day and age, to neglect mobile.

The State of Social

Moreover, with mobile comes great sociability. Research performed by Global Web Index conveys that an average of 2 hours and 25 minutes of engagement with social networks, blogs, and various other platforms are conducted by the typical social media user per day. If you consider basic web browsing, media consumption, and e-chat platforms like WhatsApp, these hours of use go much higher. All of this social engagement is ripe with information to help a business improve their marketing strategies.

Keeping track of your social networks does a couple of important things for your business:

  • Grows web visibility by increasing web traffic and expands brand reach.
  • Offers significant insight into the target market.
  • Allows you to create targeted marketing campaigns.
  • The chance to improve customer service and build brand loyalty.

The best way to leverage your social media is to use a Social CRM tool to help manage all of this social data in one organized location, such as Brand Embassy’s tool for social customer care, and streamline your social engagement with customers. Social CRM tools help a company track all of the social activity pertaining to itself from various platforms. Aside from the aforementioned benefits, access to this data also allows the company to evaluate which platforms are performing best for them and at which times.

Optimizing Your Social for Mobile

The next key consideration is how to optimize your social marketing for mobile. Ultimately it comes down to how consumable your content is. You want to produce written content that is easy to read, meaning that it is broken down into smaller, more concise blocks of text in order to keep the page clean and uncrowded. Mobile users are working from a smaller screen after all, and tend to want to consume content quickly.

You also want to make sure that the images are cropped for mobile screens. For example, Twitter crops its images automatically to 440 x 220. Images and other visual content is promoted heavily on social media right now; however, if images are too large or pixels are distorted, the user will not react positively to this visual content.

If you are an e-commerce company, you may also be interested in our article on optimizing for mobile checkout.

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