Lock Windows Desktop Using Registry
For public computer, like office computer or home computer for the family. Sure Desktop Setting always change. To lock desktop setting of windows cannot be altered you can use registry, its way :
Lock Setting Active Desktop
- Open registry editor by Click Start-run then type regedit
- Navogate to registry key :
HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | ActiveDesktop
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ActiveDesktop
- Create a new DWORD Value and give the name NoActiveDesktopChanges
- Double click NoActiveDesktopChanges and fill value data with 1.
Specific Lock Desktop Setting
- Open the registry editor
- Go to :
HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | ActiveDesktop
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | ActiveDesktop
- Create new DWORD Value and give the name :
- NoChangingWallpaper – Disable the ability to change wallpapers.
- NoComponents – Disable components.
- NoAddingComponents – Disable the ability to add components.
- NoDeletingComponents – Disable the ability to delete components.
- NoEditingComponents – Disable the ability to edit components.
- NoCloseDragDropBands – Prevents adding, dragging, dropping and closing the Taskbar’s toolbars.
- NoMovingBands – retrict adjustments to desktop toolbars
- NoHTMLWallPaper – only allow bitmaps (BMP) as wallpaper
- Double click the new DWORD Value and set data value to 1